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Hi i have a streaming server and have the pbbans welcome message activated i am wondering who can changes these messages can anyone change these messages or do u have to be logged in the the account to change the messages on that account?


etc we have a female member that was getting a rude message everytime she joined our server which has been removed but my question how did someone put it there can anyone beside the owner of the pbbans server/account type a message to display when a certain person joins a server own by me or do they have to have access to my account or can any streaming server admin ad a message?


Also can any streaming admin do a local ban on a server that is not their own or do they have to have the rcon password or have access to our punkbusted account to ban.


We have had problems and i changed the rcon password which i made hard to guess and remember but two days latter a couple of us got a locale ban in the pb bans list not the normal server ban list so i'm wondering

how it can be done if they dont have a rcon password.



any help in clearing my lack of knowledge would be appreciated...


I don't see any servers attached to your account, Sounds like you had Allow Hub Greetings enabled which sends messages from anyone who has a message enabled.


Please be reminded that any greeting you enter here will be displayed on any server with Hub Greetings enabled. Keep all greetings neutral and do NOT slander other teams that stream to PBBans.


Only you or anyone with rcon or PBUCON can issue local bans.


You may want to check your ucon user list by using pb_sv_uconlist in rcon. You can check the PB logs as it logs all UCON commands sent by every ucon user.


It should show the following


08:55:19 ^5PunkBuster Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name]

^5PunkBuster Server: 1 1 pbbanshub

^5PunkBuster Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entries)


If you only stream to PBBans (psb doesn't use ucon) then the list should look like the above.

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