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New invitational League [OIL]

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Hello All,


I wanted to drop by and introduce myself and invite everyone here to join our new league. http://www.teamomni.us/league/ or Outer Invitational League. Some of you may be thinking "outer," funny thing about leagues is once you have been apart of the same old community like me with TWL, CAL, TGL, MLG and a few others you start thinking that is all there is and ever could be. There are so many issues with many of these leagues and different anti cheats for each. Some may view us as a scrim league but I like to think we are outside or on the outer rim of competition and electronic sports.


I believe if you start with quality non cheating teams and those teams self manage each other we can have alot of fun and less hassles especially when it comes to playing matches. You know as well as I do when it comes to playing matches there are allot of preparation and things to remember to do. screen shots in smoke, starts ACS, record, check GUIDS, check rosters, check Xray lists and verify proper xray guid's....the list goes on.


What if... just what if we did away with all of that and ran a simple streaming anti cheat like yours on all servers. Would this satisfy everyone involved? I hope so, because I am hoping to get rid of all the red tape and think outside of the norm when it comes to playing matches and competing.


We are just starting off in OIL so I hope you stop by and check out what we have to offer. We currently have COD4 and COD5 ladders available but we need quality teams to get us rolling. This is a fun league, we aren't that serious but we do have a serious side that should be allot of fun and competitive. Our invitational ladder will offer a bit stiffer competition for those in CAL-IM, M or CEVO, TGL, or those of you who do well during season play may get an invite to move up.


We will also be offering what I will call "Pool" play tournaments where each player will pay a small fee to play with a minimum number of teams playing and the winner taking all or making some smaller purse for 2nd and 3rd places finishes. So if we get 20 teams of 6 thats 120 total members competing in the tournament for a chance to win close to a $1000.00 in first prize money or there about after splitting it with 2nd and 3rd places finishers.


We currently are working off of our main sites address but once we get enough teams to sign up we will be moving to a dedicated server after a season is over but currently we are at http://www.teamomni.us/league/


It is easy to sign up and register just sign up and register a new user name then follow to ladders or join ladders and add your team or teams. The once your team members sign up invite them to your new team and start making challenges. if you do not see a ladder you prefer send me or one of our staff a PM. Located under the staff area.


We are open to any format or scenario, we will even create custom team challenges for you. Our team likes 3v1 S&D clutches anyone is welcome to join or maybe you want a COD4 paintball ladder...or maybe a COD5 2v2 CTF ladder.. we will make it happen.


Stop by and join us today http://www.teamomni.us/league/




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