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Linux Server Patch 2.8.4 -> 2.8.5


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use this link, if you need german instructions


Tactical-Shooters Download-Area (english and german support)





Linux Server Update to AAO-Linuxserver ver. 2.8.5


ONLY FOR RUNNING LINUX-SERVERS ver. 2.8.4, not for the Client (Player)


at first, stop the Server



Go with Putty to the Server Folder (not System) and use the following Commands





wget http://ruepel.tactical-shooters.net/download/aa.




tar -xf aa.



Important !!!!


Upload the "new"


Textures in the Folder /Textures


New Textures AAO 2.8.5


StaticMeshes in the Folder /StaticMeshes


New StaticMeshes AAO 2.8.5


Briefings in the Folder /Briefings


New Briefings AAO 2.8.5


and Maps in the Folder /Maps


New Maps AAO 2.8.5


restart the Server and wait... it will update the Tours.ini


Stop the Server and start it again





Sorry for my bad german school english



regards Ruepel

Edited by Ruepel
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