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"We at PBBans are breaking new grounds in the anti-cheat world and are developing a user-friendly and trustworthy ban index. We will never place a ban on the Master Ban Index (MBI) without proof from confirmed server administrators. Whether it be PunkBuster™ logs, screenshot or demo, the proof is indexed and stored at PBBans for future reference. There is even an appeal process in place for those that feel they have been incorrectly banned. Using our Master Player Index (Master Player Index (MPI)) you can look up any player and see a cross index of GUIDs, Aliases, IP Addresses and bans as well as proof of any ban."


I really wanna see how TRUSTWORTHY your system is since I know FOR SURE atleast one case where 110% clean player has got his name to your site: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9465 The fact why I know for sure he is clean is that I've been numerous times behind his back and watching when he plays and he really don't even have to THINK to cheat. I wonder what is your policy to get someone to your list? Streamed servers? Or just log or screenshot? Everybody knows how easy logs and shots are fake so if you put ppl to your list without PROPER checking the CREDIBILITY is below zero in my eyes and probably that's the reason CB does ignore you too.


BTW I did just remember that Hiprakka play ALWAYS autodemo on so he has demo everytime the map changes/restarts in servers where he plays. For example 12 demos from 24.1.2005 when he was kicked for some reason off the server. He has about 300 demo's so he can also easily prove that he don't cheat. Now I really wanna see some quick actions and his name cleaned! :angry:


ak/TT Arzy


Good wroted my dear cousin. Yes last time on december 2004 we have great lan party just for us ;)


And yes i have almost 300 demos on my play with last 2 month. So now ask you site admins and other people. Wich are more trustworthy evidence : 1 screenshot ( what can be faked or mistake ) OR allmost 300 DEMOS FOR MY PLAY!


Yeasterday we have cb match and now we have conflict with opponent coz my guid is without reason on your ban list. I'm gladd that cb take step and make on ban list and don't mind any other list anymore.


So can you please clear my name.


Best regars

ak/TT Hiprakka


btw i can too ask couple other to write hear who has been back of me when i have been play sof2. And i have good quess what they will be write ;)


So do something before it's too late for you name.


This cvar caught was in server streaming to our servers, so ALL LOGS are credible.


All ban gave by repository parser are from streaming servers.


So yes, he must try some cheat or just use a cfg from one friend or put in console this command but one thing is truth: this is a valid ban.


Otherwise admin servers have the ability to chosse pbbans.dat with or without cvars and md5tool.






PS: i trust in myself only.


So in this case a player who has never cheated and just tested some other players sof2mp.cfg is labeled as cheater. Hooray! JUSTICE HAS HAPPENED! TRULY!


So in this case a player who has never cheated and just tested some other players sof2mp.cfg is labeled as cheater. Hooray! JUSTICE HAS HAPPENED! TRULY!

I guess you just answered your own question. If the player is so good, then why does he need somebody else's config. How do we know he just 'tested' somebody elses config, and not 'tested' a cheat.


Let me give you a hint. Open your sof2mp.cfg Read the first line in there and reply back here on what it says.


Let me give ya another hint "Do Not Modify"


If a player chooses to modify his/her config then that player better know what is in there. We have a proper method for disputing a ban. I suggest you start here http://www.pbbans.com/appeal.php


Coming here and bashing our system, when you the player altered your config is not a wise thing to do.


I just love the bashing......I live for the drama!


Because ban appeals are a private discussion between the player and PBBans.com, I don't like to let anyone see what was said in the posts.....but here is the original appeal that he submitted:



Well i didn't even know that i have banned for some reason. It come the me for totaly surprise. This must be some misunderstanding. I got couple days ago some kicks on our own server to with some pbudating problem. But when i update my pb it's go away. So can you fix this mistake. I have played 2 year now of sof2. Never used any cheat and never gonna use. I have played online fps-games for over 6 years. i'm now 22 year old and i have never ever use any type of cheat or bot. And now i ask for that you fix this mistake. I don't want lose my reputation on my old days. So plz make a justice and remove this mistake.

Never once did it say that he used someone elses config. Seems to me that he needs to talk with that person and demand they buy him a new copy of the game. That CVAR is from a very common cheat and since he identified that he used someone else's config file......then what else has he "used"....or since your standing over his should does he need your permission?


A person can demo himself all day long and have 300,000 of them.....doesn't mean crap to me. The CVAR was detected by PB....seems he is in a fickle of a mess.....but I am just one person. Would you prefer that I let his appeal be public....since you decided to make it that way? Because I would gladly let the registered Game Admin of this site discuss it and vote on it. Makes no difference to me......because I am a nice guy.......you don't see me bashing your crappy ass clan or that organization that you are with do you?


Good try at a improper appeal to a valid catch. Better luck next time guys.


ok i lied i am going to touch this one .



  Arzy said:

Streamed servers? Or just log or screenshot? Everybody knows how easy logs and shots are fake so if you put ppl to your list without PROPER checking the CREDIBILITY is below zero in my eyes .


Ok please tell me how it is possible to fake alog that is written by punkbuster , and then is streamed in realtime to our repository .


there is now way a server admin could alter this data .


Fact 1 . Your friend/buddy/pal , had and probably still has that cvar in his config


Fact 2 . That cvar is a 100% proven cheat cvar .


so therefore ...



Fact 3 . Your friend/buddy/pal , was playing with a cheat cvar and therefore is banned.






  Arzy said:

BTW I did just remember that Hiprakka play ALWAYS autodemo on so he has demo everytime the map changes/restarts in servers where he plays. For example 12 demos from 24.1.2005 when he was kicked for some reason off the server. He has about 300 demo's so he can also easily prove that he don't cheat.  Now I really wanna see some quick actions and his name cleaned! :angry:




do you know how many times we get people saying " i dont cheat it wasnt me it was my dog who played with it . "


if we cleared everybody who claims to have not cheated there wouldnt be a single ban.



i have yet to see a publicly denounced cheater whos stroy didnt follow this pattern.


...... " it wasnt me , i never cheat i dont even know how to cheat ".......... later followed by ......... " ok i did do it ....i just wanted to try it to see why these other cheaters are so good. " ....................followed by ........." im sry i cheated please forgive me i'll never do it again ."


a week later ...................BUSTED with a new cheat .




we dont ban cheaters , that would be impossible we we have to have a guy sitting behind every player playing the game , and cheacking his screen for cheats .


we ban guids , based on aquired evidence of cheating .


we also listen to appeals and if there is sufficient cause for doubt bans are lifted .


Your friend/buddy/pal , offers no cause for doubt and the way you flame to try to get your point across just convinces me more that i wouldnt take your ." it wasnt me , i never cheat i dont even know how to cheat "...word for it


I usually do not get involved with public ban appeals, as there is a correct method of going about submitting your ban appeal. But, I am going to respond to this one as you are questioning the integrity of the PBBans community.


First off, he was kicked for a cvar........a well known, and very, very confirmed cheat cvar. There are only two ways to get this cheat cvar, using the illegal program that utilizes this cvar, or by putting this cvar in your config yourself (either by typing it in or by using someone elses config).


Now if it was a situation of using someone else's config, then the ultimate bottom line is that you are responsible for the editing of your config as Stymie stated. If you change something in your config, you should know what you are changing or at least find out before you change it. You ultimately can not trust other people in this world, and you will be held repsonsible for what shows up in "your" config.


But the problem here is not someone else's config file. As brought to light by RodeoBob's post, you did in fact appeal this ban. And in the appeal post, you stated what happened to you. You said it was a pb updating issue. You updated PB and it took care of the problem. Then you asked them to take the ban away because you would never, ever cheat. The problem lies in that you never stated that it had anything to do with someone else's config. And what you were ultimately banned for could never have been caused by an un-updated pb software issue.


So in light of all the evidence given, your ban is valid. You have no grounds what so ever to come to PBBans and question their trustworthiness or to bash PBBans. There was no SS involved in the final result, so that could not have been faked. There was no admin submitted evidence, so a misceivious admin could not have sabotaged you. This violation came straight from the server logs, which are streamed straight to PBBans. When you were kicked, PBBans got a copy of it. So, I am sorry that you have been caught, but next time save yourself the embarrassment and don't attack the integrity of PBBans.

  Arzy said:

Now I really wanna see some quick actions and his name cleaned! :angry:


ak/TT Arzy


OMG, someone needs an attitude adjustment. I wanna see you go away and never come back... Somehow I think I'm just as likely to get my wish as you are to get yours...


Maybe someone should get some soap and water to this player.....he must be "dirty" :lol:


Hmm, I wonder can you see the QUESTION MARKS there -> " I wonder what is your policy to get someone to your list? Streamed servers? Or just log or screenshot?" I count three... There are not many things I trust around this game anymore but streamed servers are in my thumbs up list. And I still FULLY trust my cousin in this case and yes this is the hard way to learn NEVER try anyones else's config before you read it through line by line. Everybody who has played this game has modified their config's that's for sure, some has changed control buttons, some has changed the color and the size of crosshair etc. so the wise ass with that reply "do not modify" could lil think what he says. I have played this game since mp demo and I really hate cheaters even catched some who used them in CB war against us so I am not here to trying get some cheater back online, only trying to help my cousin who has been labeled as a cheater now although the label naive would be more accurate. I know U couldn't give a f*** about my posts but that's allright, it's enough for me that I know Hiprakka hasn't cheated and for now on he knows that using some other players config is hazardous without proper read-through-operation.


ak/TT Arzy


Whatever it the reason you can come up with, unlike you, we actualy know what he was caught with , and how he was caught. Maybe if you go read alittle about pb and lurn how it actualy work, maybe you would understand.


About tweeking your cfg, you dont have to go in there and modify it for crosshair color, size and such, just ajust the cvar to your needs in the console. When it say danger, do you still go there?, when it says poison, do you still drink it?, when it says DO NOT MODIFY, do you still modify it?




I rest my case


ty, have a nice day, good game, come back anytime


Ok let's end this case. I take my punish and get use to it. Even i don't like it coz i didn't do anything. But if that's your last word that ban is valid and it's stay on list ok then keep it.


This case was only big spot on my whole carreer. But if someone keeps me now a cheater and haxor so be it. Most important thing is that my friends and clan meights know what is truth.


End of story.


Yours very truly

ak/TT Hiprakka




(admins close this case. I don't want read any new "fighting" poist , Peace all! )


Adjusting from console modify's the config all the same. And in this case Hiprakka's REALLY should have check the config out in notepad.


"When it say danger, do you still go there?, when it says poison, do you still drink it?, when it says DO NOT MODIFY, do you still modify it?"


Danger? WHERE? I'm on it right away! I'm not that kind of guy who believes everything what is said and written. And if you are have a interesting life and think of me when you realise everything is not that black and white and everything aren't THE TRUTH what is written or said in television...


ak/TT Arzy


so the wise ass with that reply "do not modify" could lil think what he says



Might be a wise ass comment, but it is the truth, unlike your attack on PBBans. I can assure you that people would have been more sympathetic to your problem if you would have not attacked what we do here. Just to clear up another statement you made for the record, not EVERYBODY modifies their config. I know many people who play the game straight from the box, if they cant change it in the drop down menu, it dont get changed.


It is a hard way to learn, its a good thing that the game now sells for $10 bucks, so playing again should not be that difficult. If what you say is true, and this only resulted in a 'bad' config from a friend, then I guess you have learned 2 lessons. One being, check what it is before ya use it, the second being.. that friend is not your friend :o




So it doesnt get out of hand, ill close this topic, thx for all your contribution


Hey I wish to make the statement I play SoF2, not as long as 99% of yall but I for one can say I HAVE NEVER MODIFIED MY CONFIG in ANY WAY SHAPE or FORM. This is for Arzzy and your comment. I have no need to edit my config as either I own or get owned and I can live with it in the end of the day, well cause it is just a game. Tell HOMEBOY to pony up the $20..00 and keep it clean next time.

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