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Everything posted by NerG

  1. damn people just say yes it's a no flash cheat. Some of you act like ths is an elite organization. Aren't we all here to bust cheaters lmao.
  2. no someone's server was set up to kick for a legal setting.
  3. sounds cool, what weapons mods are you thinking of. I for one have never been in clanbase cause it sucks so bad...
  4. A "game hook ban" is a detection by punkbuster that looks into certain memory addresses of the resident program (in this case sof2) and can tell whether or not an outside program has hooked into the "Soldier of Fortune II" window. Yes just like your gay porn sites Sof2 runs in a window on Windows machines. Each window is assigned a name and therefore can be hooked into with a dll file program. hense, pb started scanning the sof2 folder for files that didnt belong like somethingbad.dll. but the hackers got smart and now it has to detect it through the memory addresses... hate to tell you mate but he had a cheat on his pc at the time of the kick... :concur:
  5. I will tell you what a gamehook is as long as its cool with the admins of this site. I am fairly new to posting here (not reading) so i will wait for an ok before i post. I dont know why it would be huss hush but incase it is i will wait. P.S. and for the record a gamehook is a valid CHEAT detection...
  6. ty i will let you know :)
  7. okI am trying to meet all the requirements to become a pbbans server admin and I want to hurry this process along, so in order to make sure I have everything done right could someone explain this one step for me: ~listed on the server as Admin in the servers viewable out of game info field. Thanks in advance for any help...
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