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ms lhs

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About ms lhs

  • Birthday 03/13/1984

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    css - cod4
  • Location
    plano tx

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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. normal Damage ftw
  2. yea any cheats or info U find Send to the right people, even if u are honestly trying them out so u know wut to look for and to stop them, u will get banned amnd labled a cheater, w/e u get send to the EB people and they will handle it how its suppost to be handle I wouldnt believe the guy that got busted when he says he works for EB- no matter how koo and how long u knew his team mate or buddy If EB let people test and use the hacks on public servers such as saying, So N So go ahead use the cheat let us know- How many people would end up using the Line "EB said I could" they dont- they test it but Any info anyone ever finds needs to be sent to EB asap- Dont take it in your own hands b/c u will get in trouble no matter if u are trying to help or not
  3. I know least in TWL sof2 when i was in there- Scripts like that wer a No No We would have our server set up to catch some- people during match play have been busted and couldnt use them- I even had my demo sent in b/c someone cryed crouch lean on me and admins had to check it out So sof2 matches and ladders and such- everyone that I ever been In- Any script like that was a No No and considered a cheat- IMO its a cheat- if U cant crouch and lean by pressing your keys then dont crouch and lean- Isnt that hard So best advise i can give u is- have your server set up to check for every script that is known- Now I heard its ok in Pubs if servers dont check for em. But matches, Nope not allowed
  4. ouch, i too been down the inner clan cheater deals, can be harsh and can lose players and have inner beef for awhile, do as the guys said, get as much info as u can and run it by the leaders or who ever is in charg with the clan and such. worse comes to worse and people dont want to admit that they are hiding someone. do wut u want and boogie on out and find yourself a good trustful group of players. never fun being around people that just cant play the game without stuff :( good luck Peace
  5. im not a shotty fan but of a uzi player but couldnt it just be set to fast weapon change? i havnt seen it but maybe those people just know how to shoot really fast? unless like someone posted above that theres a certin deal u type in. No idea if that would be a cheat or wut- maybe a cheap weapon change setting but no idea
  6. ty for having this site and helping all the admins and the rest of the gaming community out with any related pb questions and input :)
  7. koo and yes the people here are always willing to help welcome to sof2 I guess cya around
  8. :blink: Dont use it Go buy a new Unused game
  9. ( just had the problem today- printer was used- Defrag and RS worked back to normal) Well since i figured out why my game does this to me- have U figured out anything about yours? Or are u still having the same problems?
  10. k im srry i skipped a lot but i think i had/have the same problem U are talking about I would go into a server and Boom lagged out then back to normal then every few mins lagged for 30 secs then back to normal and it goes on and on- I would reinstall sof2 system restore the works- I have finaly came across My problem of it- I thought it was dude to steam and css- When ever My printer is used On my computer I get the problem- Printer goes off during a game Im stuck with the lag ( now I keep printer unplugged) How I fix it- System Restore- Then comp RS's then Defrag and It seemed to fix it I am Not sure if that is Your problem Or if someone has helped U- which I think someone posted something But just sharing my lag weird spike out problem hope everything gets fixed Peace -Courtney
  11. same here B)
  12. 197. LadyHaXshe/Courtney enjoyed sof and sof2 but been waiting for sof3 ;)
  13. old post but the admins here do have real stuff in real world like someone posted- just b/c u came here to get answers and didnt get wut u wanted the 1st time- keep in mind the admins and staff here do the best they can- U arent the only person that decided to do a nono and ask to be checked up - i highly doubt u would find a YES/No post ASAP- they like to look more into the issue and make sure they do their best for U- the staff and other ppl that play the game- By getting upset and going after the admins wont help u much :rolleyes: peace
  14. lol ohh i didnt know well someone help the poor guy
  15. go to C drive then program files then then the sof2folder and either the rocmod , osp or if your clan has your own folder ( i.e. AGL folder, EBL folder etc) depends on wut server you wer in and u should see something that says Screenshots Open the folder and they should be there
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