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Everything posted by OldSkool

  1. Hello crawler, One of the best ways to prevent PUnKs from cheating in your server is to stream to PB. If you are a server admin and have ftp rights get with Rodeo bob and he will get you going.
  2. Does anyone know if you can add medals to the end of maps with OSP v1.0L Thanks OldSkool!
  3. Ghost check this site out. http://nmsjohndoe.tripod.com/id10.html always a good idea to play agaist better players even if you think they have an advantage.. at the end of the day you will have the avantage.. sooner or later the cheater will be caught.. playing agaist better players will only make you better.
  4. Recording a demo is very simple and may be done via the following console commands/binds: /g_synchronousclients 1 /record /g_synchronousclients 0 To stop the demo after the match ends, type /stoprecord
  5. Thanks fot the quick reply I will get right on it.
  6. Well what did the ticket say they where going to do about?
  7. SFA good job! Remember not everyone who get alot of headshots or does really good in the game is a cheater. Stymie Bro could you take a look my server config? Thanks
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