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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. yeah, you can find alot of cfgs with the values in them but nothing really explaining them. I have taken a look at the source code but am not familiar enough with the C Language to get too far. Wish I had learned it <_<
  2. Thanks but lets keep this topic specifically to the cvars listed: sys_versionignore = "11" com_ignoreothertasks = "1" com_ignoreverifynetwork = "1" The default settings when installed are: sys_versionignore = "0" com_ignoreothertasks = "0" com_ignoreverifynetwork = "0"
  3. I agree with you stymie and thats why he is banned from our server. However I truely hate to ban someone that is not cheating and just want to see what the rest of the community thinks. Your right boondock, I dont play out of the ptp server much aside from what few leagues we have been in and done poorly at because we are not much of a competetion clan. However I have never played anyone, in any game, nearly as good as yang. And anyone that has to adjust the ~120 cvars to get an advantage over someone is weak in the fact that he cant try to make himself a better player through true skill and this is what I mean when I say he isnt here for the fun. I know some cvars such as the rate and other network and user preference (like movement keys or the crosshair color/style) should be changeable but the other settings in the game have a default value and should be kept at default to create as fair as possible a playing enviornment for all players, letting them go head to head, skills agains skills.
  4. Yeah, i did hear the footsteps now that i went through the demo. Either you are the best player I have ever encountered or you are a cheater, either way you arent in the game for the fun of it and as I told you before it is best for us as a clan and the guests in our server that you dont play there.
  5. cvars dont get changed without reason, and the respawn/player list wont have any effect on your aim or in knowing where people are.
  6. I never reviewed the second demo and wasnt paying close attention when it happened so I didnt know about the footsteps at the end but I will take a look at it again. Im not gonna disagree that when they said BS that it was sometimes very noobish, everyone in our clan was predisposed to belive that he was hacking so naturally the first thing out of your mouth in that situation is "BS". And yes, our clan is certinly not the most experienced out there, we are here to have fun and when a guy can come in with ~120 cvars changed, a jump script where he can float, and is killing anything that moves around him the radar goes on. It is also the reason I posted here, I want the opinions of those that know more than my clan and I do in these matters. The biggest thing I am looking for here is an explination for why those cvars would be set the way they are, mainly the com and sys variables. I havent found a record of them anywhere and the ignore commands mean that something isnt being check that normally is.
  7. one place that seems like a possible wallhack is in the first demo. Watch when he first gets the flag and runs back to the red spawn. He grabs the pack and starts to move out but a nade comes in and he backs up against the crates, before you see the nade. Matrix at that point says "ghost did you see that".
  8. Yeah, i hadnt thought about 1st person till the end of the second demo.... watch closely right before it ends and see if he should have known where the guy was
  9. We had a guy on our server the other night that i cant "prove" was cheating but im satisfied with banning him. He had some cvars that were above the limit by .000001 and .0001, which is really interesting considering that mine is set at 140, his being 50.000001. Just want some opinions on these demo and some explinations of what these cvars do, which I found in the cvar log. 02.26.2005 10:10:44] [From #2 c1f9(VALID) Yang] sys_versionignore = "11" [02.26.2005 10:10:44] [From #2 c1f9(VALID) Yang] com_ignoreothertasks = "1" [02.26.2005 10:10:44] [From #2 c1f9(VALID) Yang] com_ignoreverifynetwork = "1" [02.26.2005 10:10:44] [From #2 c1f9(VALID) Yang] cl_yawspeed = "50.0001" [02.26.2005 10:10:44] [From #2 c1f9(VALID) Yang] cl_pitchspeed = "50.000001" The demos can be downloaded here Was I right in banning him?
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