Thank you Big_guy for your reply,,its much appreciated... many servers later {all streaming btw} i'm hoping it was an error on one of my co leaders parts.... we've only done this hmmm 20 times in the past 4 years..... i love seeing all these new names,,,wheres fozzer, maydax, mrx, foxx or Ace when needed...i miss them people....
I dont mean to come off complaining here,, after all this time of being here you'd think i'd know how to do all this....
I'm hoping to be streaming again before the AM tomm ...a simple IP switch on my behalf shouldnt have come to this...if it is an error on my clans behalf i do appologise,,,, all these years of streaming and to see i'm colored in blue kind of makes all this time worth that much more......
Thank you UR also for the reply,,,i'm a busy man at work lately and w\ family lately so thats why i have co's do this,,my top sof2 co has tried repeatedly to correct this and finally contacted me...i'm just trying to resolve it now,,i know the setup procedure better then the back of my hand,,i even helped Fox write parts of it,,,thats why i'm a bit un relaxed on why its taking this ammt of time....btw,,Fox was an important figure here so thats why i mentioned him,,hes a bit before you guys came along.