Iam at these days verry seldom here, because of job&time.
but in my more active days i liked to stream to pbbans. atm I maintain no server :( but I hope to do so in future.
what I liked most was the little program (I think it was writen by foxhound or so) which keept my punkbuster a litle more up to date. the Java version I nerver used...
i collect all cheaters found on my server here :LINK
for that reason i whatch the et bans verry often, an copy and past them to my hp...
now my prob.: last days the et bans runs up verry fast (113x to 115x) but the date of the ban still be on 5.october... where the hell are the new bans?
i allready got throug pbsv.so .... now i will make my own little doc... i sort it, paste the docs form EB in, and figure out what the rest means... when im finish ill sent you via pm, but gat a litle RL trouble... so i wont be fast
now ill also look at pbsv.co, but i dont like to do so. in past ill never touch any pb files. excludet *.cfg...
im on to read and learn all about pb, ill thing this weekend i could spend much time on it. but to get a full "view" ill have to search pbsv.co for "pb_sv_*" and figure all non documented settings out? ill also could look at other games?
wich document is most complete?