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About h4nnib4l

  • Birthday 12/19/1980

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  • Location
    Aachen, Muelheim a. d. Ruhr, Germany

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    Anti-terror Squad
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    Enemy Territory
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Iam sorry, I just remembered the Fox.... rest was guessing ;p is pat still online? maybe good to know if i find time for a new server...
  2. Iam at these days verry seldom here, because of job&time. but in my more active days i liked to stream to pbbans. atm I maintain no server :( but I hope to do so in future. what I liked most was the little program (I think it was writen by foxhound or so) which keept my punkbuster a litle more up to date. the Java version I nerver used...
  3. THX, im so blind :unsure: i was wondering, but now i see it...
  4. sorry my worst english. nearly ervery day i see new et bans here, but the last timestamp is "5th October 2005 - 10:33 AM"
  5. Hello, i collect all cheaters found on my server here :LINK for that reason i whatch the et bans verry often, an copy and past them to my hp... now my prob.: last days the et bans runs up verry fast (113x to 115x) but the date of the ban still be on 5.october... where the hell are the new bans?
  6. up down up down.... but i like it, so my public servers are mostly overun!
  7. i allready got throug pbsv.so .... now i will make my own little doc... i sort it, paste the docs form EB in, and figure out what the rest means... when im finish ill sent you via pm, but gat a litle RL trouble... so i wont be fast
  8. now ill also look at pbsv.co, but i dont like to do so. in past ill never touch any pb files. excludet *.cfg... im on to read and learn all about pb, ill thing this weekend i could spend much time on it. but to get a full "view" ill have to search pbsv.co for "pb_sv_*" and figure all non documented settings out? ill also could look at other games? wich document is most complete?
  9. iam not an expert, but i would like know as much as i can. wich sides / links should i read?
  10. Thx, but some noobie quest where did you found it? it issent herer: http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/et-ad/index.htm
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