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Everything posted by GAStone

  1. We get our servers from JOLT too. Can't fault them and the support service is really good
  2. Yeah you cannot change the physical name of the consoles as it is an exe file, not something controlled by a cfg. You will just have to guess which one is which from what is being done or spammed on the server
  3. IW Nation forums - a guy from IW staff confirmed it Posts: http://www.iwnation.com/Forums/index.php?showtopic=23449 This is the download link, but it is currently 'locked' awaiting official release: http://browse.files.filefront.com/Call_of_...rowsefiles.html
  4. Just to let you know that the 1.3 patch is about to be released (in the next few hours) It will fix the gamestate issues (great for mappers) and also the PB 31 guid problem (woot) Not sure if this has been posted anywhere else but you can visit the iw nation forums for more info :D
  5. imho: 1. This is a hack as all of the fog/effects have been removed 2-6: I believe these sort of errors are caused by the client not having the mod required to play on the server but somehow still able to join the server. It may not be the mod in this case but it is some sort of internal game error, but not a hack I think
  6. lmao that's what I do! Keep thinking that someday a cheater is going to find me and club me round the head with an aimbot :D
  7. yeah we get this a lot. It happens when the client disconnects during SS transfer or sometimes if the client currently has the game minimised and is looking at desktop
  8. Good point. I suppose if it was auto-kicking for a cvar which was mistakenly added to the list or something like that it would get annoying. Btw new update out today and the server is still not kicking so I'm guessing EB still have it disabled until they fix whatever they are trying to fix
  9. why would it though? Just an error in programming or EB being idiots?
  10. ahh pb_sv_enablekicks is NOT in our config. Cheers for the fast reply mate :D
  11. Was looking through our sv_violations.log and saw two people who had been caught with wallhack.dll and red.ps or something like that. So I looked in the relevant pb log file and saw that they had not been kicked for these violations! Is there a line that I'm missing in my config because I thought it would be logical for PB to auto-kick or maybe ban for this? Stoney
  12. so how come he is the only person it happens to?
  13. The guy has been known to have cheated on other server before so I wouldn't throw the idea of an SS blocker out the window. I will try and get some more on another day to see if they are the same
  14. Just got several of the below screenshots from the same guy on our server. every single one turned out like this 'failed to cature'. The shot below was taken literally 1 second after he got a kill so he couldn't have been on Desktop or anything like that. I have heard about a hack that makes PB shots go black, could this be it? /Stoney
  15. Yeah that's probably closer! :P Anyway cheers guys, its good to be around
  16. Yeah that's given me some useful insight into the problem. Well the shots I've taken since haven't shown anything out of the ordinary so I guess it was just a video card glitch
  17. Thanks! Been a member since the good old early UO days but never got round to streaming the server *D'Oh!*
  18. ok well you should have them. I have just updated our configs too with the ones stated on the M C/D lists now I have access to them Cheers for all your help guys
  19. Ok PM sent with the PB login details (good guess - maybe?)
  20. The guy is pretty regular on the server so I will keep watching him and see if anymore turn out like this (and by watching I mean not with my clan tags on - undercover in the server with rcon logged in :D)
  21. Are these my forum username and password or the PB ones that I chose to enable the streaming?
  22. Thanks. I just had another look and though 'wait am I being a complete noob cos that wasn't there a minute ago' Nearly admitted myself to a mental hospital
  23. Yeah that's what I thought aswell. I was leaning towards a hack because there is no fog in the image either, and on Brecourt this is loads of the sodding stuff (makes sniping fun ^^)
  24. My bad. The profile was set for our UO server which is no longer running I have updated the server address and the "I want our server to stream" bit. I take it that the game combo box takes "Call of Duty" to be CoD1 and CoD2 because I dont see a cod2 in the list
  25. Hi Have set up configs and restarted server as per help posts. Just waiting for you guys now I guess. If anything is wrong I am usually on our clan TS: or on our forums www.global-army.com Cheers, -|GA|- Stone
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