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Everything posted by slickmouse12

  1. hey can u help me out with this reinstalling stuff?? i dont really know how to reformat and stuff ... =(
  2. but if they wanted to could they unban me?? like if they just decided to unban me, would there be a way they could??
  3. :( i swear i was never hacking the hell out of it. my freinds came over and downloaded it and started using em on my comp. then i used em to just try em out, and it got boring fast. i stopped after using them for like 2 days, since it wasnt even fun. but i guess somebody caught me or my freinds since i got the global ban thing, so i got a new cd key. but i really just wanna play bf2, i dont mind the other games as much i just really wanna play bf2 i got so far and i am extremely sry for hacking but this note came out of no where when i was playing. plz someone that can help with being unbanned somehow plz right back....
  4. PLZ SOMEONE HELP ME!... sry for the yelling, i was just banned from call of duty and call of duty united offensive. for the global hardware ban. i have looked into it and noticed it bans you from all games that run punkbuster. yes i will admit that i hacked like a year ago, but i swear i learned my lesson and i realized its really dumb and isnt making me any better of course, and ruining the game for others so i stopped long ago. and all of a sudden got this note today. i was really mad and disappointed in myself. IM SO SORRY BUT I SWEAR I WILL NEVER HACK AGAIN. plz someone give me some help in being unbanned. i was also banned from bf2. i am a seargent in it with about 33000 points. and i love this game soooooo much. i really dont know what im going to do if i never am able to play it again. please somebody help me. I WILL NEVER HACK AGAIN I SWEAR ON MY LIFE!! seriously im going crazy... im so sry, i dont know what to do........ i dont wanna buy anotehr computer.. plz help me get unbanned i learned my lesson long ago and really just want to play.
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