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    Reality Gaming
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  1. Good so i'm not mad after all! I banned charly22(esp) by IP 213... its a static one but i think he has access to another connection which is dynamic but the same IP. I've banned countless dodgy GUID i think its time for me to put my foot down and ban TelefonicaEsp+Alicante/Murcia-Region. Many thanks for the help, Keygens are a real pain wish PB wasn't so buggy...
  2. GUID 28408be85331757154519b97f53b116d is on punksbusted and pbbans banlist. However, if i download your banlist it is NOT on it. If fact if you enter the guid into the search box it will come up as s SoF 2 ban. Lats night yawn showed the GUID as having 3 violations today it shows nothing? Am i going mad?
  3. Sorry cappy seems you were right to suspect something, I still maintain that the demo is hackfree if he was using that multihack he would have been shooting a hell of a lot better. Thats the last time i back up one of the 1.33 lot thats 3 caught in the last couple of days.
  4. NOT AN AIMBOT. Experienced Australian player who knows how to headshot. 300 ping? server has anti lag therefore a higher ping means nothing. Don't waste sir Gawains time honestly....
  5. Yea i didn't think i was that nooby :( I'll try get a copy of the wallhack. Eurm Rais i hope you haven't got a gixxer now.....you s**t!
  6. Well its pretty obvious there is a problem here i spoke to depth about it and he has been spreading his wallhack about... If you guys don't have auto screenshots on your servers (which most do) i strongly advise you to turn it on.
  7. Heh, i looked at that screenshot myself and know the 'bug' very well. Don't remember the wallhack effect to be that good though.
  8. Update it manually then by visiting the punkbuster website www.evenbalance.com or have your friend send you the files you don't have...
  9. Prayers for your friends family in this tough time :(
  10. Thats probably because the admin is using the hack also ;) Play on a pbbans.com enabled server then cheaters are not tolerated.
  11. Ask som eof the allstars admins for it, it was uploaded onto their site if i remember rightly. It was a good catch more of a team effort reg, admin and me.
  12. Yeah its a shame but the admins who run it choose not to for their own reasons :) Was pretty chuffed tis my first catch B) This hack though, i have seen before particulary in American players that come to this euro server, it has a very obvious movement to it. But i think FoZZer can smell them before they have even connected :huh:
  13. A reg on a server messaged me and said hey jinx come look at this guy in spec, so duely joined spec to see a player with a 150 ping shooting walls and tracking through them! I took a demo and i managed to get 3 pb ss 2 of which are interesting!
  14. Not if they visit here ;)
  15. Its this sort of topic that makes me wanna stream my servers to pbbans just to see the idiots come here and pled their case. Whos laughing now :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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