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Everything posted by O'Reilly

  1. THX Fozzer...now should all three server streaming...i HOPE :) OR
  2. Hub Game: ET Clantag: |AaA| streaming admin: O'Reilly thx guys
  3. thx...now works fine...making new topic for next server
  4. heya, dunno whats happend,but when i checked MSI now,this server isnt streaming to pbbans...we dont change nothing there and i think few months ago was server streaming normaly... thx for reply OR
  5. second server on hub: Hub Game: ET Clantag: |AaA| thx guys thx
  6. thx for fast reply... cheers EDIT: question - if i have on server hub,should i install PAT also? or its similar?thx
  7. Topic Title: Hub Game: ET Clantag: |AaA| streaming admin: O'Reilly thx guys
  8. heya folks, we found cheater with this hack on our server (runs etpub 2.6,last PB update)...i don´t want post actual name of it (but can send it via PM and link too),because this hack is here over two months and is still undetectable...we test it on our local server and he is really perfect,not detectable,pb screenshots for wallhack clear like glass,wallhack not show any other colour like some other and aimbot have more options (you can add stealt comand and aimbot look very natural)...be carefull,it´s very hard to detect it...btw we sended this hack with files and link,where you can download it to evenbalance team... cheers...
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