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  1. TY Rodeobob for deleting my reply... was the same as the poll... Please, next time, just be a man and PM. TYVM.
  2. Check the latest one. 8 Different guids. Think it even surpasses this one.
  3. Ah :) Well FORCE CVAR to a particular value is weird, if people DO abuse that to set it to somekind of hack one (sol_/sc_/aex_) that would be utterly tittyness.... How about testing if it works and if it does, asking to remove it from ex. PUB? |>B<|FalcoN
  4. We use FORCE CVAR, rate to 40000 :) No hacks or whatsoever, |>B<| has nearly all servers streaming to pbbans.com. Though there is a debate going on wether or not to continue that. (Force CVAR) |>B<|FalcoN
  5. There's a reply thats usefull TY :) FalcoN
  6. Well, again, I am a simple server Admin, so I don't understand that. I see it like this: You guys can check wether or not the violation is valid. Than comes the interesting part for myself, how if, he proves innocent (IF!), would you defend that others might have the same issues and get the violation and don't know where to go with it? Don't get me wrong, but I find the implications quite extensive.... EDIT: Let me give an example, I join some other servers besides bunker from time to time. I get all kinds of weird named files like zzz_schoko.pk3 (Schokoheaven) and some other weird names for, what seems to be, sounds or maps, no danger in that one? Thanks again, FalcoN
  7. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20821 (dunno why its locked when posed a question?) Head admins: http://bunker.aaxxss.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5895 Awnser: There are 2 or 3, but all very busy atm. Others help out more. Anyhow. Let me put it down this way: Create a random file with the name ETbot.cfg/UBot.cfg or w/e. Put in the stuff he suggested and test if you get booted for it. (Didn't I put it clear enough, not native english, but hope to accomplish something ^^) Some of us, including me, would really like to see if you get kicked for the name, instead of the contence. Perhaps this convo/thingy could be done elsewhere MSN or something like that? Quick edit: Lynxx has his case, I am interested in the things posted on our forum and would like to see if it's true or not :) Thanks for the effort :) FalcoN
  8. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...amp;#entry56635 I would like to ask, if someone from you guys, could verify if the things Lynxx stated are true. I have 0 knowledge of the system itself, but if the things he stated: Just a file, with those things in it and you get a ban for it, it seems to be me the system is bugged and/or not working right. (Regardless of the ban, just for the sake of correctness) |>B<|FalcoN
  9. In most cases yes. But some aholes keep comming back (Dynamic A range IP... (WTF?!) Anyone a solution to that?) MD5Tool and cvar checks are awesome, got a lot haxors. Streaming helps a lot. Hope one day all IP's are static... FalcoN
  10. Well, I think more groups should be involved, thinking about hosters, ISP's and server suppliers, than you get something started. (However, this is naïve and certainly not going to happen unfortunally) To get the most hackers removed, means also an active administration team, knowing where they are looking for. Dunno if it has ever been suggested here, but perhaps creating 'fake' players that only bots/wallhacks recognise? FalcoN
  11. This doesn't count for ET. Since Pbbans doesn't ban based on IP, but on GUID. Since the guids on ET are renewable, streaming adds as much as PB :) The only exception on the statement. FalcoN
  12. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19328 I don't study law, to begin with, however, I had some basic things. Now, just for the sake of correctness; If you enable PB, you agree to the EULA. However, this doesn't excuse the illegal mining PB uses. (Assuming the article is valid) Eventhough you agree, you are being 'frauded' or 'mislead' to the suggested EULA. Resulting in the actions, taken by PB, to be noted as a violation of law. Though reasoning could lead to: You say yes, you should have read the EULA (though, after reading, is like mumbo jumbo to me) and know PB acts like this. Regardless of the violation, you shouldn't activate it. The possible danger, lies in the 'thing' that violates (PB, or the one that enables it). As allways, law can be interpreted many ways, so to suggest PB is illigally preforming it's actions, needs to be stated with precaution. As well as the agreement to the EULA. Interesting matter though, hackers, could try and pull it off, though their credability is low. Can be locked :) FalcoN
  13. Could be that the player 'shrunk' his view. Or a PB SS blocker. You can read stuff about pb ss on evenbalance.com FalcoN
  14. Yep. Allready send E-mail to EB. Got reply that they are working on it :) FalcoN
  15. I'd like to know, otherwise I'll forward it to Glenn (Pb staff). Makes you really :| :S... FalcoN
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