I don't study law, to begin with, however, I had some basic things. Now, just for the sake of correctness; If you enable PB, you agree to the EULA. However, this doesn't excuse the illegal mining PB uses. (Assuming the article is valid) Eventhough you agree, you are being 'frauded' or 'mislead' to the suggested EULA. Resulting in the actions, taken by PB, to be noted as a violation of law.
Though reasoning could lead to: You say yes, you should have read the EULA (though, after reading, is like mumbo jumbo to me) and know PB acts like this. Regardless of the violation, you shouldn't activate it. The possible danger, lies in the 'thing' that violates (PB, or the one that enables it). As allways, law can be interpreted many ways, so to suggest PB is illigally preforming it's actions, needs to be stated with precaution. As well as the agreement to the EULA.
Interesting matter though, hackers, could try and pull it off, though their credability is low.
Can be locked :)