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  1. TALON thats an ETPUB setting too: then turn off the low xp kick in pb
  2. Told him to get list of checks from mci since he was streaming and that those checks are hidden from others for a reason :)
  3. I think it just means that it doesnt know the type of videocard the player has installed. maybe a new card or a cheap no-name brand... Example normaly looks like: r_lastValidRenderer = "RADEON X1600 Series x86/MMX/3DNow!/SSE" Just a thought...
  4. Awesome work thanks! :D
  5. If we change the MOD of a server we dont need to change anything else with reguards to streaming correct? :huh:
  6. Should you leave the etpub and etmain sections there ALSO? or remove those and only have noquarter. (I do know this is just a test type situation and not written in stone and needs to be discussed further as per your post) We have just converted one of our servers to NOQUATER so any type of input in changeing things to catch the cheats is appriciated. :)
  7. I have heard of settings to be changed for the SNIPER RIFLE recoil, but never for the MG. Maybe just practice with it. Aim lower and if the recoil or RISE of the weapon is that great youll hit your target that way :blink:
  8. Your settings for the other anti-cheat site are out of date. I PMed you the correct info. Also, adding the streaming and updates from PBBANS HUB should be added. See the links above. They you get the cake and can eat it too! Also make sure you have PB ENABLED in your server cfg. As stated your running an old version and it doesnt seem to be updateing. Read here for more info http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php Also if you feel your server has been hijacked and thats how you lost your files...make sure your server version is 2.60b version 2.60 has some security flaws.
  9. A) Dont take others CFGs! B) Remeber where you play if its a new server so if you suddenly get banned and find crap in your CFGs, you can report it to EB and get unbanned. ...and why would you have only PART of a hack/cheat... This is how most people get caught. They "TEST" a cheat and dont know how to completely remove it from their system...then BAMM-O BUSTED! ;)
  10. We saw this when other servers updated their MODS...so we just changed our cvar to: pb_sv_cvar rate IN 2500 40000 Knowing that a higher rating wont do anything...then whats the harm in setting it high :D This way people wont get kicked for dumb s#!t B)
  11. what is this file... I had problems uploading it beacuse it is 0 in size?? (so I just created it on my server) All is running I got he ucon updates for bans etc...but why is this file 0 in size?' :blink:
  12. Sorry about the public spot. I forget who has access to where...Im on so many sites I forget where I can post what... Just making sure you got em! DANKE! :D
  13. one of the popular hacks was updated and changed the prefix to its cvars. I have added the following and will let you all know of the results. (I also PMed Bulldog with some specifics so he can share with you all in private) Remeber the public have access to this
  14. :) Thursday 07.06.2006 [8:15AM] Version 1.239 of the PB Server for ET has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This is a maintenance release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 07.05.2006 [10:30PM] Version 1.253 of the PB Client for ET has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This is a maintenance release.
  15. Just a note also about your CHEAT.LOG You will probably see alot of the following by players useing LINUX! This is a big issue right now with PB... [06.28.2006 15:35:10] VIOLATION (GAME INTEGRITY) #20004: * (slot #8) Violation (GAME INTEGRITY) #20004 [*(?) *] [06.28.2006 15:35:51] VIOLATION (GAME INTEGRITY) #20004: *(slot #3) Violation (GAME INTEGRITY) #20004 [*(?) *] [06.28.2006 15:35:58] VIOLATION (GAME INTEGRITY) #20004: ^8 (slot #8) Violation (GAME INTEGRITY) #20004 [*8(?) *] [06.28.2006 15:36:27] VIOLATION (GAME INTEGRITY) #20004: * (slot #3) Violation (GAME INTEGRITY) #20004 [**] [06.28.2006 15:36:53] VIOLATION (GAME INTEGRITY) #20004: ^*(slot #8) Violation (GAME INTEGRITY) #20004 [*(?) *] [06.28.2006 15:37:22] VIOLATION (GAME INTEGRITY) #20004: ^*(slot #3) Violation (GAME INTEGRITY) #20004 [*0(?) *] But Like they said above, if you see the CVAR Violation and it contains one of the nasty terms (ie cheat name) in your checks then it could be an issue.
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