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Everything posted by Bobmarley

  1. Thx IcheBaN......;)
  2. yo i looked all over this site & cant find the cvars so i can add 2 my server.i found it a few weeks ago but now i guess its gone sumwhere else.link me plz if u know where its at. thx..
  3. add 4 lines saying what?plz dont eat me alive 4 asking u this ques. heres my ip: if needed........ NVM I GOT U.........
  4. i will 4eva play sof2 until the last server goes down or until sof3 (cross fingerz) coms out. about COD2,well i played it a few times & was dieing like crazy everytime i play so i was like ill wait 4 a pb update 4 it.......nva played it since & my pc sux so thats another reason 4 me not playin it. EDIT:about that screenshot i think that any1 can add that text 2 there config jus like sof but if u had a ingame screeny of pb checking cvars or sumting like that then ill believe cod hav pb.am not saying the server dont hav pb but jus saying any1 can add that 2 there CFG.
  5. i need 2 stream man,i talked 2 brain a few times on msn but it nva worked out i guess...& yes i am sysop of my server.
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