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Everything posted by wfcjoefhp

  1. I use the HLC ingame Rcon, is that better for this then rcon4cod, also, to add them to the pbban I need all that info, the entire guid and what not? I am waiting to her if my app will be reactivated, as I now have the admin accss needed for all 4 servers to stream.
  2. I have a few questions regarding bans, I have a ban.txt on both my servers, with names and last 6 of guid on there, is that sufficent for bans? My PBBAN llooks lilke last time it was updated was 2005, I have put people in that ban.txt and they were still able to connect, any help on setting up a ban list that works would be greatly apprecieated. Thanks! Joe ;)
  3. Thank you, the sad thing is, is he was one of our admins, we had to go change all the passwords and stuff--real pain in the but LOL Thanks again :lol:
  4. thank you, he also said he lives next door the the punkbuster admin LOL So, if he sends falsified screen shots to PB they will not do a hardware ban or anything like that? ;)
  5. Hi, I need to talk to some one in ref to one of our ex clan memebers that threatned to send false info to punk buster to get hardware bans on 2 of our leaders. we have screen shots of the whoe converstaion stating that he was going to use false info for the bans, what would be our next course fo action? Thanks :blink:
  6. If you cant see an aimbot, how can one be detected. I had 3 people on my COD:uo server with unreal scores, one of them was in teh 200's the other 2 where hi 90's with mostly headshots and upper torso! Any way to catch them--if so I will ban them from our server. Thanks!!!! ;)
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