Hi there, this is why I get kicked all the time. Thank you MITKAV!
I deinstalled and reinstalled everything, deleted my complete base folder (sniff, so many maps...) and so on. IMPORTANT: I use the GERMAN GAME VERSION and nerofix3! And my game is not the gold version.
What I have found out in several forums is that there are differences between the GERMAN SOFII game and
the UK/US-versions. Punkbuster software does not recognize some files of the german version, so that I am kicked all the time. For example there is in the base folder a file with the name "skins_g.pk3".
In the US/UK version it is "skins.pk3".
I have read that I need a so called "MD5Tool patch". That should solve the problem. Do you know this patch?
I havent found that patch yet, but perhaps you can give me a link to it.
If I deinstall nerofix I have no list of cvars and I see no blood... Probably there are more patches...
DAMNED, lol, thank you guys