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Everything posted by /RoB/ RIP (CSM)

  1. Thank you for all your advice. :blink: I followed your recommendation and deinstalled everything, deleted the nerofix stuff completely. I also deleted my complete base folder including all maps I had (and God knows, it were many :( ) just to make sure, that there really is no currupted file. I installed the game again and downloaded a patch from here: http://www.shooter-szene.de/CmodsDownload-index-req-getit-lid-1.phtml This patch changed my game into a gold version. After that I added some gore files to my mp folder and finish. Result: The game runs better than it did before with nerofix :) I can see all servers in the internet (as gold version) B) Punkbuster does not kick me anymore - YEAH! :D :03:
  2. Hi there, this is why I get kicked all the time. Thank you MITKAV! I deinstalled and reinstalled everything, deleted my complete base folder (sniff, so many maps...) and so on. IMPORTANT: I use the GERMAN GAME VERSION and nerofix3! And my game is not the gold version. What I have found out in several forums is that there are differences between the GERMAN SOFII game and the UK/US-versions. Punkbuster software does not recognize some files of the german version, so that I am kicked all the time. For example there is in the base folder a file with the name "skins_g.pk3". In the US/UK version it is "skins.pk3". I have read that I need a so called "MD5Tool patch". That should solve the problem. Do you know this patch? I havent found that patch yet, but perhaps you can give me a link to it. If I deinstall nerofix I have no list of cvars and I see no blood... Probably there are more patches... DAMNED, lol, thank you guys
  3. You should explain how to do that. Some players have really huge folders on their Pc. Does everyone have to look up file by file manually (and I apologise for my bad english)?
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