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Everything posted by fugly

  1. Ok finally got it sorted, hopefully Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] Server: 1 1 pbbhub1 Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry) Thanks Pisi for your help
  2. Ok will do, had a few problems with the server not loading standard maps thats why I re-installed the game so maybe something is stuffed up
  3. Punkbuster is set to on (1) in the command line and in the server.cfg (set sv_punkbuster "1"), also have a pbucon.use in the pb folder. Also tried the commands in the troubleshooting guide for stubborn server
  4. Hi guys trying to get our server to restream after a game reinstall (CoD waw), but no luck. its like the pbsv.cfg is not working as the command to start server messages is in there and there not showing up on the server. Server IP is Thanks
  5. Ok sent some money your way as promised in my earlier post. Fantastic response from all the guys, well done folks.
  6. Will send you a donation towards the end of the week guys, when I get paid. Have also posted on our forums to see if any clan members want to help out. You can view it here. Just an idea but would it be good if there was a few game server providers willing to sponsor PBBans? Keep up the good work guys
  7. Lo peeps, i thought i would post this in the general forum so everyone would know what a good job you guys are doing. Our clan has been streaming with you for only a few weeks but already we are getting ppl banned for using aimbot hacks. Not only does it help keep our servers clean but it helps the whole cod4 community keep a clean name. You work is much appreciated guys. Oh and a merry xmas to you all Thanks fug
  8. Streaming fine now :D
  9. Hi guys our cod4 server was offline for 24hrs due to hardware issues. I have checked its streaming server side everything seems ok there but in my account manager on pbbans its says its not streaming. Will it just take time to update or does a admin on pbbans need to reactivate it? Thanks
  10. Thanks Very Much :)
  11. Just realised and updated. Sorry for that.
  12. Topic Title Hub Call of duty 2 Tag [uM] Thanks
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