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  1. ITs a really old bug, there already is fixes for it, the onyl one I know of is for etpro, its all ive used and its a .lua fix. But I think there is a cvar you can set, that doesnt allow more then 1 player from the same IP connect. This will fix it. The .lua fix is called fakeplimit.lua I believe, and the exploit is something called q3 fake player bug or something. Same bug for most q3 based games.
  2. BIG huge bump for stevey and the script absolutely brilliant for finding peoples info...especially if they have been caught cheating and you need the info to do some detective work to submit to CB/TWL :P
  3. Im smart then :D Because After I posted I also did it using the team account just incase lol :D
  4. Possible to add IP: Stream: HUB Game: ET Tag: KDA| And remove Thx
  5. If I remember correctly, If you load a CB Config it has the command pb_sV_cvarempty, so all your pbbans cvars will get erased, so the only cvars PB will check for and enforce are the ones in the CB configs. I dont know what happens if you load a CB config and THEN load your pbbans config and restart PB, I assume your PBBans checks will override the CB ones. I wouldnt recommend doing the 2nd option though, If someone found out Im sure CB (the fools they are :)) would forfeit your match because you would of had cvar checks which aint allowed in CB configs...much like playing a CB match on an un-verified cfg. I did notice that pb_sv_tasks still stay even if a CB cfg is loaded though.
  6. K, Silly questions here What does this protect tag thing actually do? I assume it protects the tags lol...but in the list someone posted above i dont see any identifiers or anything..so how does it know if you should be wearing the tag or not?
  7. Sorry for the double post :( but forgot to mention that is no longer online so could you remove that from stream please :P P.S will the cheaters caught on that server stay under the "KDA|" tag?
  8. IP: Stream: HUB Game: ET Tag: KDA| :D
  9. IP: Stream: HUB Game: ET Tag: KDA| Thx and Lots of love to Foxdie <3
  10. I havent heard of any execing when they do !cmd....but there is a new released ET hack that uses !cmd to tone the bot down...lol
  11. Most likely you will probably have to change the default port on your laptop that ET uses, this is because by default they both use the same port (27960 I think), which stops both of you connecting because your using the same IP and same port too :P...Someone else might be able to provide info on how to change the port...but off the top of my head i dont know :) You have the same IP, some servers may restrict the number of same IP's that can connect (Usually more then 2 though). This is because there are some malicious tools that flood servers with random players in an effort to fill the server and make it unusable...So the admins may of just imposed an IP Limit. Or If the server is running NoQuarter or etadmin and both of your computers have Win98 or some how have the same ETPRO GuID..these mods automatically and can be manually set up to stop players connecting which have the same ETPRO Guids...same for PB Guid too The top answer should be your reason...but theother two are just incase :P P.S Sorry I DO know what im talking about :)...I just suck at explaining
  12. Youve been banned thats why :) I know this message all too well...and well it says "Server Disconnected for Unknown reason" but if you keep trying and trying it should EVENTUALLY show you the correct message...which is that youve been banned. Usually happens when you get banned by "g_banip 12.34*" But yeah, your definately banned lol
  13. IP: Stream: HUB Game: ET Tag: KDA| Thx
  14. IP: Game: ET Stream: HUB Clan Tag: KDA| Already have 2 servers streaming so if you could add this to my list thx. I already uploaded all the files and checked it was working correct.
  15. Please add my 2nd server HUB ET to my already HUB streaming tag KDA| Thanks
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