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Everything posted by Ballistic

  1. Nice Job MaydaX
  2. You might want to talk to your GSP (Game Server Provider).
  3. Nice!
  4. pb_sv_protecttag 3 =ERF= on COD4.
  5. Awesome! Thanks PBBans for your continue support for the fight against cheaters! I hope this partnership will last a life time.
  6. Ballistic


    It had to be the PIMP!!!! :P
  7. It's all good.. thx for the info btw :lol:
  8. I find this utility to be much easier. :P This program allows you to easily backup your Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare multiplayer profile. The program's created with Visual basic 2005, so it requires the .Net Framework 2.0. COD4 Profile Backup Enjoy!
  9. Does this broadcast the name of the cheat? If so, I think it should be taken off. Just my 2 scents. I can explain why later.
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