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About 7oPd4wG

  • Birthday 06/23/1971

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    X-Treme Gamers
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  • Game Played
    Call of Duty 4
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  1. :D Wow :D it looks like we are to around 12 cod2 streaming servers, Thats awesome i will keep on my recruitment drive and continue to educate clans on pbb. I mean the more the better.
  2. I noticed today my pb guid has changed from a 31 charector string to a totally different 32 charector string. Hopefully they have fixed the issue now.
  3. Welcome aboard Milkman.. :)
  4. Well i added another one manually to ban data on our server for the screenshot i took which is posted in the Master Ban Index (MBI) section to be added. You can view it there it is also a 31 charechter guid. Its a hack not sure which one but a violation that pb didnt pick up on, only knew by the pb screenshot.
  5. I loaded the mcl and mdl but whats up with these cvars now see attached screenshot. Do i have to remove mod or are these cvars not correct?
  6. 7oPd4wG

    pb ss

    yes it is, Has me curious as to if there is coding out there now to block the screenshots from being taken.
  7. 7oPd4wG

    pb ss

    I have one question that i think i know the answer too already but i will ask anyway just to confirm. I Can screenshot everyone on our server but 1 person when i try to do it by the slot he is in or by his name it wont take a screenshot of him. Can someone give me the knowledge on this plz. Thank you
  8. Dosen't look to be a wallhack especially when he's standing out in open. On rhine map players do turn black like that in areas. I would say no not a wallhack. But i could be wrong.
  9. gotcha.. ;) Thanks
  10. Thank you.
  11. Will these update automatically thru streaming? I can't get jpat working i update the mcl and mdl manually will i have to do same thing with the ban list? Thanks
  12. Not sure if this is where this goes but, when you load the new pbsvcvar.cfg from today it now only checks for 2 cvars everything else has // infront of it. Is this correct?
  13. I enable the sli option in the game and i only have one vid card it dosent seem to boost fps it just steadys them out. As far as pb seeing it as a cheat i dont see why it would you aren't changing the charecteristics of the game at all just like turning brass and wallmarks off. I dont see it being a cheat seeing that everyone can do it if they choose. Just my opinion.
  14. Sent you one for cod2. :)
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