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Everything posted by Capo?!*

  1. lol
  2. joking? it is illegal if i use it ,btw 95 percent of servers are punkbuster ANYWAY DATA MINING IS ILLEGAL with anything eula rules
  3. ok here we go, a french article is open i cant translate everything but some things are in english http://hst.e-mengine.com/index.php?site=ar...w&articlesID=12 one thing of article: "Additionnellement : Licensee understands that PunkBuster software inspects and reports information about the computer on which it is installed to other connected computers and Licensee agrees to allow PunkBuster software to inspect and report such information about the computer on which Licensee installs PunkBuster software. Licensee understands and agrees that the information that may be inspected and reported by PunkBuster software includes, but is not limited to, devices and any files residing on the hard-drive and in the memory of the computer on which PunkBuster software is installed. [Pour la traduction, voir la première partie] Il y a des limites, même si cela est déclaré dans une licence EULA. Faire du data mining [de la pêche aux données, aux informations] est illégal, quelquesoit les intentions stipulées dans la licence EULA. La Loi établit qu`aucune activité d`un utilisateur ne peut être rapportéé à une tierce partie. Il peuvent surveiller localement, mais en aucun cas ils ne sont supposé pouvoir exploiter les résultats. D`ailleurs : LICENSEE AGREES NOT TO DOWNLOAD, INSTALL, OR USE PUNKBUSTER SOFTWARE IN A COUNTRY OR LOCALE WHERE SUCH ACTION WOULD VIOLATE ANY LAW OR ORDINANCE. [=> Traduit : ]LE POSSESSEUR DE LA LICENCE ACCEPTE DE NE PAS TELECHARGER, INSTALLER, OU UTILISER LE LOGICIEL PUNKBUSTER DANS UN PAYS OU UN LIEU OU UNE TELLE ACTION VIOLERAIT UNE QUELCONQUE LOI OU DECRET Bon, le Data mining est illégal en France (et aux US)" What does it mean? it mean than punkbuster do data-mining and they say: ICENSEE AGREES NOT TO DOWNLOAD, INSTALL, OR USE PUNKBUSTER SOFTWARE IN A COUNTRY OR LOCALE WHERE SUCH ACTION WOULD VIOLATE ANY LAW OR ORDINANCE. Data mining is illegal in france and US!!
  4. UP i still have unkown ETproguid!! Help me :( Nobody know a forum where guys have same problem? :( :( :( HELP plz plz plz s'il vous plait soyez aimable aidez moi!
  5. ok and someone know a solution?
  6. http://www.yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn;jsessio...id=&gamecode=ET LOOK my 1ST time ET i have loose my etguid but i was total noob i realy dont understand what's happen
  7. eh...every players have network card?
  8. i guess it will change my guid? :P
  9. eh modem ? 1024ko? A little screen!! What the fu*** ... im very sad help me plz
  10. Windows XP SP2
  11. ETpro guid For see /cheaters or /guids
  12. hi i play since 1 years ET and i recently discover than my guid is unkown...i dont know why...Someone know why my guid is unkown? some people say me cause is using some hax,but i NEVER use hax...but i have been kicked for some cvar viloation look like m_yaw m_pitch etc... PLZ I WANT TO SEE MY GUID 1/ Why my guid is unkown?(i can give u more information if u want) 2/How can i see my guid (i never can do competition cause of this) Grtz Capo
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