yes he did :blink: about 7 times
i have pb_sv_guidrelax 0 ;)
but have found an other way with some help from an admin from dxw server. He has told me he found a way to get rid of him as i told with banning his complete isp range
He was on my server today again, after i banned him and checked his ip range again. and it was like the admin of dxw server told me again. So i hope he wont be able to connect back, but that will only make him go to an other server and make havoc there :o
So if someone gets bugged by *xxx*shadow i know what to do. but on the other hand ;) i dont know how many innocent players i have banned with that.
here is the demo submision i made last time of him:
here is the add to the mbi list:
as you can see ip he used on that mbi ban is : < --- but should i banmask that 80.247.248 aswell ? ore should those banmask be ok as the admin of dxw says. Cause i dont want that ass on my server :(
alsow i have vsp stats for my players on the server there i found out he was still playing aswell on that same guid everytime
one time he had another one
but again you see *xxx*Shadow in those alias names