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Everything posted by hooligun

  1. I can really call it cheater owns HIMSELF :P To all pbbans admins Banmask the little n00b :P
  2. lol :lol: all sweet and nicely caught on my server :P You saw my post about him? http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=21162 Cause i had posted a thread about this dude :P subnet ban : 83.7.252 :P
  3. Lol good idea hanfling :P And yes about the dates of updates. We do see that something is updated but really new updates end up totaly down. And if something gets added between it we dont see it ;) so hard to find out what got changed. and fozzer a cvar was missed out? Wich one. Ore was it the one i told you that not acted in when detected? but only got 2 minutes pb kick? Ore else i need to know wich one it was cant find wich one is changed ;) -edit- i see today something i changed aswell cant see it ;)
  4. i advised some of my users to turn down northon cause it interferes with pb My server is located in the netherlands ( myself live there 2) and even i do get lag sometimes but i know its my graphic card ( fps probles and my router what is directly my adsl2+ modem with build in firewall Poeple alsow get ping ( lag) when they get fps problems. causing things in youre screen not running stable. I dont mind if the hub does create lag, cause better have lag then having my server full with 40 cheaters on the same time ;) i know pb is a log machine and it logs so many in it and well server needs to write all data in. So server usage what doesnt ends ofcourse. But just wanted to know if pbbans does can raise ping. Cause it does sometimes happends but its not that relevent to put pb down for it. Most lag in et comes up when using etpub wich i do. So its not just pbbans alsow depends on the mod you run in most cases cause if i throw etpro on my server there is no lag at all. ;) even my ping goes from 50( on etpub) to 30 on (etpro)
  5. well with 2 ones you will always be more sure in 1 point. But i just only take pbbans rep/hub streaming the only times that a cheater gets chance is 1 time in the month last one that had some fun and as you know hanfling was shadow http://www.pbbans.com/generate.php?action=5&ban_id=11754 . since he is banned no cheater had a chance anymorte they all ended up on the mbi :) :lol: So its youre choice maybe my advise just watch how it goes i know for sure when hub starts kicking in on youre server it will be major results like on my server :P
  6. i see in the mail you sended me hanfling that you already stream to rep of punksbusted. Then you cant use the rep from here but only the hub ofcourse:) so you are streaming to 2 repositories
  7. hey hanfling yes it does its me hooligUn from weedheaven good to see you finaly took pbbans streaming :) dont forget to add the mci stuf -edit- i see you are hub streaming but not rep multi streaming is both if i remember correctly rep/hub cause sometimes slip trough hub i noticed but then get added by rep
  8. LMFAO maybe he tought only pb would kick him off for 2 minutes and didnt expected some other nice part to run :D
  9. i thinks mostly that pb is making horrible lag. making rampage kicks for nothing and stuf like that. So do i get that streaming to hub can raise players ping? I always drop it at pb. But then can inform my players that they dont have to worry about anything when they do get lag :)
  10. i never noticed hub making lag on my 40 slot server.and alreay stream to hub since its started alsow stream to rep :lol: do you have autoss on?
  11. the file where all md5 checks are in you need to edit
  12. pbbans does guid bans not ip relevant bans. And there is cheated on that guid, so that one is banned ofcourse.
  13. Thank you, will have a look at this :)
  14. yes he did :blink: about 7 times i have pb_sv_guidrelax 0 ;) but have found an other way with some help from an admin from dxw server. He has told me he found a way to get rid of him as i told with banning his complete isp range He was on my server today again, after i banned him and checked his ip range again. and it was like the admin of dxw server told me again. So i hope he wont be able to connect back, but that will only make him go to an other server and make havoc there :o So if someone gets bugged by *xxx*shadow i know what to do. but on the other hand ;) i dont know how many innocent players i have banned with that. "80.247.249." "80.116.227." "80.247.226." here is the demo submision i made last time of him: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18275 here is the add to the mbi list: http://www.pbbans.com/generate.php?action=5&ban_id=11754 as you can see ip he used on that mbi ban is : < --- but should i banmask that 80.247.248 aswell ? ore should those banmask be ok as the admin of dxw says. Cause i dont want that ass on my server :( alsow i have vsp stats for my players on the server there i found out he was still playing aswell http://www.weedheaven.com/vsp/pub/themes/b...cfg-default.php on that same guid everytime one time he had another one but again you see *xxx*Shadow in those alias names http://www.weedheaven.com/vsp/pub/themes/b...cfg-default.php
  15. Well first time i did !ban shadow <-- permanent he was back in 2 days Then i pb_sv_banguid him <--- he came back in 1 week He is on the pbbans list here <--- he comes back in 3 days I banned his ip <--- didnt worked either I had already banned his ip range didnt worked either. Cause an other server hat the same problem with this dude. And only solution for them was to ban his whole isp range. So banning alsow other innocent ppl with it he is coming from finland that is known.
  16. I found a topic on etpro forums about one that where b_statsaver doesnt work for a guy. http://bani.anime.net/banimod/forums/viewt...ight=statserver But i think the comon thing with pb is that he loses his connection complete from the server. So it loses his info trough pb. I notice when a player is on my server and he gets overflowed. The xp he made in that map time isnt saved. So he starts from what he had the map before. So i think pb is the messup in here then cause of losing information, ore something is just wrong with logging the players info ;) could be alsow And i see in a other topic from etpro that somoeone tells that it doesnt saves it for the whole time. And there they say alsow "run the other mod" <--- they redirect to etpub cause it will save. http://bani.anime.net/banimod/forums/viewt...ighlight=xpsave Myself run etpub, but i love etpro more cause it contains less lag for bigger servers mine is 40 slots.
  17. i didnt ment that a mod has influence. But with etpro if you get disconnected from the server youre xp will be gone and he wants xpsave as i see ;) and etpro doesnt has that function (have seen before ppl asking for this, but always i saw no etpro doesnt has it). with etpub its g_xpsave 15 and some things to set maxes
  18. for xpsave you need etpub , etpro doesnt has xpsave it resets at disconnect ore at end of campaign ;) and etpro doesnt uses pb, it has its own anti cheat system
  19. yeah i hear this a lot on my server people saying cheater whole time to an admin on my server, know that dude personaly and he doesnt cheats. But he just owns and has played the games for so long, so he just has full control over it and knows what he is doing :) Just for example this ;) @t -=F4F=-mRx How is it possible when i have guidrelax to 0 that a player can still come back? I have one cheater that does it everytime :( even ip banning, banmasking wont help against him 0.o
  20. jep thats what i did i banned his in use ip when i used it at that moment and not for example 84.12.xx.xx ;)
  21. I had this problem myself once after evenbalance sended me a file what THEY MADE cause i had some troubles with lag and stuf. After i replaced their file i got the message after i replaced it back it was ok. So i think pb wont be able to read all out of beta's from vista and gives that kick , its no cheat. Better idea start streaming here at pbbans, then the cheaters on your server will get caught automaticly. suc-6
  22. jep streaming best thing to do :) and measter pb_sv_banmask helps ;) Got that info from here
  23. for pb stuf you need to be at www.evenbalance.com not www.pbbans.com :rolleyes:
  24. with the right info, and its clear that he hacks on the demo he sould be added to the Master Ban Index (MBI) list.
  25. punkbuster requires players to be an admisntrator on the computer. Tell him to try to switch his name to his playername in game . That worked for me, but there are better ways ;)
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