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Everything posted by hardass

  1. guess he means Clonecheck... i remember it was implemented in some mods...
  2. owwww dude thank you i shoulda had known this :P
  3. i got a player whos gettin kicked from PB for 0 min for cvar r_allowextensions=0 i dont think its a hack but hes keep gettin kicked what can he do ?? ty
  4. k thank yall 4 helpin out it works and itz even better than b4 so thx again and good night
  5. hey again :D its hardass, so we got a player now that got a md5 tool mismatch base/skintextures now wat can he or she :rolleyes: do she said she installed the game new.. a week ago or sum... thx 4 hlp
  6. hey maniak :rolleyes: , hey dental im the player with that problem. ;) so first is i re installed everything new means i deletet all the files after that i used nerofix 3.0 and in the readme it says u should not update before installing nerofix so i didnt updatet maybe this is the cause so after a day it kicked me again for the same reason now what can i do :unsure: cause i need nerofix i use the german version of the game and it sucks without violence :P dunno now wld b nice when u can help me ty
  7. @alfdoh nah it gotta e a better way for that i work with this pc too so thats not good @fozzer i did that now i gotta wait wat u think how long they need i want to play :unsure:
  8. why no one answer cmon why pb do that i did everything and more i cleant everything used 4 adware appz put all my firewalls antivirus nat spl off and on and it still dont work :huh:
  9. no it dun work he dont find no adware i still get kicked for inadequate O/S privileges i tryed to run it as a admin but it dont alow it please guys help me i just dont played for a year i want to play again :(
  10. hi im the player with that prob this is the log from vx2 but i cant choose anything Log for VX2.BetterInternet File Finder (msg126) Files Found--- Additional Files--- Keys Under Notify--- App Paths crypt32chain cryptnet cscdll ScCertProp Schedule sclgntfy SensLogn termsrv wlballoon Guardian Key--- is called: User Agent String--- {D603A79F-82E3-6A31-DF85-9256FA5A8F03}
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