I just checked 1 of our servers, an got a bit confused here, is this server straming as it should?
And i can see i have to read abit about that logforwarding thing, as im sure i never did that.
BTW is it of any use to ad private warservers to be streamed? we have 5 off thos and was wondering if getting those streamed like our 2 publicservers was a good idea
PBBans Repository Server Search
Not Found Server is not in the MSI Rep List
PBBans Hub Server Search
Server Status: Server is not streaming via Hub
Server Info
Clan Tag: |Qubenet
Server IP:
Last Streaming: January 28, 2007 10:00 am
Log Forwarding: None
League Settings: None
This server is streaming if either of the two above boxes state that it's streaming.