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Everything posted by N!GhT

  1. This guys been banned by pbbans: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=28823 Is this a cheat or not if it is i need to forward him for a ban to clanbase that's all thanks
  2. yay thanks for all your help m8
  3. sorry was asked to join irc by benway and i think we have sorted it now server has been updated with latest pb and fingers crossed should also now stream via hub
  4. i think benway is doing now as password was wrong :)
  5. any idea what could stop the data for hub and username pass went to fox i think :)
  6. can u check if its working now ive done everything it says in topic for it to stream via rep anyone got any ideas why server wouldnt send data
  7. game: coduo via rep and hub clantag: elev8ion.
  8. hi should work now i have also done via hub can you confirm it's working my server keeps saying running old punkbuster yet i have done rcon pb_sv_update but it doesnt update anyone have any ideas thanks
  9. Rep Game: COD UO Clantag: elev8ion.
  10. Hi my server should be streaming via hub and rep but i have just checked and it's not saying it is. It has been for quite a while so wanted to know if there was any poblems IP: thanks EDIT: person who said it wasn't must have typed ip wrong as i've just checked and it is xD
  11. ok thanks i've put the details in my ftp and used same pass etc as i did for my other server. New server ip is: So now theres two servers which should stream to rep :) Can you let me know when it's done so i know i have done it correctly cheers
  12. I currently have a server streaming via hub and rep and now have another which i want to add to the streaming do i need to create a new username and account to stream or use the same details as my current
  13. ok thanks Was making sure it was no hack etc :)
  14. Hi Just got my server up and running streaming via rep and hub :) In the sv_cheat.log the only details i have are from one person over and over with the following: Technical Violation: Failed PunkBuster Integrity Check Happens everytime this person is on the server is there something i can do to sort this or is it not my server. It doesn't kick for it but makes a log in the sv_cheat.log any info on this would be appreciated :)
  15. thanks can you also add to rep as thats all configured as well now :)
  16. Hub Team.elev8ion I've done the command pb_sv_uconlist on server but nothing comes up can you tell me if it takes a while i have also set server up for rep streaming as well thanks :)
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