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Everything posted by DaLynX

  1. I was surprised to find that the pbucon.use file had not been uploaded the first time. So I did it, and restarted with the pb_sv_restart command. But with CoD2 I can't check with the pb_sv_uconlist rcon command (I can't see the result)... and my server is still listed as "not streaming" on the MSI I went through my PB logs and noticed that they were filled with "[...]PB UCON Packet ignored "pbbans"@ []" If this can help...
  2. Server IP : Server port : 27018 Game : CoD2 Clan Tag : #?!WLD'> Co-Admin : Foster I did what the howto said, that is uploading the files, modifying the pb config and restarting it, but cod2 does not have an usual console where you can see the results of the commands you send so I'm not sure that everything worked. CS server on this IP now
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