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Everything posted by (CEO)Damage*Inc

  1. I've noticed this for quite some time. I beleive what is happening is that either your clan mate has non-ASCII characters in his name or someone on the server does. If you do an alias search on my name (CEO)Damage*Inc, you will see a list of aliass' that look normal. If you do a search on a guid or name from someone with the non-ASCII or funny characters in the name you will see that they tend to "pick up" the other names that are in the server. The only way I sort them out is by IP address.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply, that did the trick. It either didn't update when I issued the pb update command through the webtool or I didn't give it enought time to update. At any rate, thanks again and will my access to the player indexes on the website return automatically?
  3. Thanks for all of the replies. I've tried everything suggested and still no luck. If I try to put in the command pb_sv_USessionLimit 2, I get an Unrecognized command from punkbuster. I use Gameservers and did a wipe on the server through their control panel, still no joy. I have tried the FTP method and the Web tool method (see screenies) for getting the server streaming. Any more help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  4. I'm having issues verifying that our server is streaming. Can you take a look? Thanks (CEO)Be Quick or Be Dead
  5. Hub Game: FEAR Clan Tag: (CEO)
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