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    Riding an elextron in my Intel Core 2 Duo

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    Bunker Gaming
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  1. dedicated server, linux, I have ssh access for the et stuff.. and the games is Enemy-Territory 2.60b with etpub 0.6.5, no omnibot. light version of etadmin mod..
  2. the server under hostname bunker1.aaxxss.com is not updating pb automtically as far as I see. At least, the symptoms are the following, happened now twice in 4 days: the server crashes on player connecting, starts up again (thx to restart script), loads first map from campaign. And it seems that it runs until a player does connect. The first time it happened I checked logs, settings, didnt find anything. Then somebody had the Idea to update pb. I did and it worked again without problem. It also had to update stuff. Today the same. There are also some other server, b2, b3, b4,b5, b8,... and they all have no problem at all. I looked for a setting about automatic update, but there was just a manual update to force it... Any help is welcome! edit: it crashes not on connecting, it crashes mostly very soon after a player has connected. like 30 seconds. If none connects it continues to run as it seems..
  3. there is a link to pbsvc.exe on the page http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsvcfaq.php maybe that helps for checking errors with pb.
  4. You may want to try etphp, its similar to etadmin mod, but instead of reading the log, it starts the game and uses the console output, so its much faster then etadmin mod. The good thing is, in conjunction with qmm (http://qmm.planetquake.gamespy.com/) and some plugins, you can run it with every quake3 based game. Well etphp surelly needs some adaption but its almost compatible.. Etadmin mod with qmm would give similar abilities - that it can run with any quake3 game. Etphps website got crapped, so I suppose you wont find any download. Also the original version is done for competition organisitation and registering of guids for matches. While I am modifiyng and using it on public servers.. Also its still buggy cause I got not much time for it.. but if anybody wants a copy tell me.. The good thing is the code is well done (at least I think so compared to etadmin mod), and its easy to extend. Besides since etphp is buggy - since I got my hands on it. Nice map polling :D I made something similar, ratemap, but it allows for voting in a range, e.g. 1-5. Also written in php. But it was one to run along with vsp, but I think it should be easy to run it without. I got a question, how about merging these votes? Mine range from 1-5, yours are 0/1? right? the pag is slow to load, but it will, it shows maps some stats, and ratings... I want since long build a massice database of maps with ratings .. how bout a cooperation? http://bunker5.aaxxss.com/jaymod/stats/pub...cfg-default.php ps: if there is any interest in these files.. I got no prob to share, but I havent availabe for download (since until now 0 interest).
  5. thanks pbbans :D uhm wrong subforum .. ayay I lastly manage to click always the wrong subforums.. will post again when its finished
  6. I am in process of making a Punkbuster Screenshot php index, when it is finished, and almost bugfree I will make it available to everyone. For each Screenshot, I intend to include a link, for a search by name and guid to pbbans, So I ask for the 'ok', that I can do that. ( depp.gif Currently Bunker servers, have that tool in use, I didnt thought much about copyrights when I did it first. I will remove it asap, if I am dissalowed) http://bunker2.aaxxss.com:8080/pb/svss/list.php well there is/will be also a link to splatterladder, yawn! and punksbusted Asking there for the same. Beside that, it will contain, a deinterlacer, gamma correction and a desaturator (is that english?). Well if there is enough interest into it, I will add possibility for easy localization. So may I implement that link to Pbbns player and Guid search, and may I use the Icon (favicon of pbbans) as link image? PS: I post in enemy-territory subforum, cause this php tool is related to et and pbbans, sorry if it is wrong section.
  7. Hub Game: ET Clantag; |>B<| the server is allready registred, I got instruction redo the procedure cause it did stream also to rep.. actually Im not sure if I did it succesfully cause I never removed something..
  8. ok done (rcon pb_sv_md5toolempty), we have PAT enabled, Alfdoh did set that up.. thats what I meant with 'we also get updates from pbbans'.
  9. yes, but since we stream, we also get updates from pbbans, so if I manually edit that file, the automatic update will screw it up afterwards.. so how can I disable, the automatic update of md5 checks? and after having disabled that.. it is sufficient to remove the md5 checks from that file? or do I also need to issue the command pb_sv_md5toolempty?
  10. We have a lot of people which are getting kicked for ignoring md5 tool queries. (link to forum) We have more then on server, all have the same issue. So our momentary solution is to disable PB. Which is not good. So we want to disable md5 checks, but let PB running. Now the problem is our PB admin is in holidays, the one which did set it up. And the other one is sleeping.. since its night on his hemisphere, and afaik he dont know how. Our Server is streaming to pbans, that admin did the needed thing. So I ask here for help, I have server access, ftp access. Which files have I to modify.. and what modification. I tried to find a wiki or a manual, but couldnt find any. Only for Punksbusted.com, but its not 100% same, allthough similar. Another question, I am not sure if this is anyway temporary, or shall I fill a ticket at evenbalance?
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