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Everything posted by Makaveli

  1. Thanks, streaming now... Dont have access to the Streaming & Banlist & Cvars / MD5's or PBBans Hub Flags tho & only public access to the MPI
  2. We streamed to pbbans in the past via hub, but got rid of our servers a couple months ago, but we recently got a new dedi and would like to stream once again. I tried submitting a new application, but it wouldn't allow me to as it still has my old application on record sooo I figured posting here was my best bet. Hub Game: ET Clantag: =RW=
  3. "UNBAN ME AND GIVE ME RCON SO I CAN CRASH YOUR SERVER!" LOL? 2.55 servers are SO buggy and full of exploits however if you insist on using 2.55 theres a few things you can do to protect yourself a bit, dont have time to find links for ya, but they're all easily found via google...install the q3infoboomfix (its a patcher for your etded). Run your game server through QuakeMultiMod and turn on the anticrash feature (that fixes msgboom and jamsgbof)...and use the download exploit protector from wolfmap.gameprophets.com Don't think that all your problems are solved by doing this, BUT it does tend help quite a bit.
  4. lol, thanks guys, Benway sent it to me a while ago (thx again man). Idk for some reason Q3Min and ETMin just refuse to work on this computer, they do work on my other one, but I generally don't game with it. Garfield ftw.
  5. Well i have a 180 script bound that's completely compliant with all cvar checks...but I find myself hardly ever using it, BUT it does prove useful if you use a very low mouse sensitivity which i have...just makes turning back around a bit quicker, but if you have a normal mouse sense I would see no reason to have one. If pbbans or punksbusted or a similar organization decided to peg it as a cheat, I would have no problems removing it, but I personally don't see it as a cheat because it doesn't give you an advantage over everyone else. I basically use it so I can use the low mouse sense that I like, but still turn around as fast as everyone else so I don't end up getting back raped while trying to make my low sensitivity turn around...I don't really know anyone who can actually say "you turning around that fast with such a low sensitivity is cheating"...come on However like deadmilkmen was saying, norecoil scripts and things like that should not be tolerated. Norecoil would give you an advantage over other players and should be considered a cheat. Timenudgers should also be kicked imo. I really don't think that "how stock" you play has any baring on how "old school" you are. People have been tweaking settings since the release of the game -- I have. It started because I had a terrible computer at the time and had to turn the gfx way down in order to get smooth gameplay...even when I got a better computer I used the same config because I was then accustomed to playing like that....What I'm getting at here, Yourself, is it's all a matter of personal preference...what scripts do YOU think are cheating...that's all that really matters on your server.
  6. Thanks guys, but both of you linked to etmin. What i was saying in the first post was etmin never worked for me. Thanks anyway :)
  7. I'm searching for an old ET Minimizer that was hard to find 3 years ago and is especially hard to find now, the file name was hack.exe (no it wasn't a bot or anything, it was a "minimize hack") and the icon for it was a picture of Garfield...if anyone has this or knows where i could find it that would be excellent. Seems to be the only one that ever worked for me and now i cant find it anywhere...And before ya ask, no it wasnt etmin :)
  8. lol...ok, I wanna get the information that displays in the sig...to display in a php-nuke block, and for me to be able to do that i'd need to know two things; the name of the php file and what calls the data to the sig, for example maybe the sigs call usersig.php with an account number argument.... and from that it asks for $cheaters which would print the number of cheaters caught for that account number, $active would possibly print the # of active servers for that account number, etc. etc. I am asking if it is possible for me to obtain that information from someone. If not thats fine, I figured it didnt hurt to ask though. What the script does is uses @fopen to call your php file that you use to gather the information for the sigs, then it asks for $active, $cheaters, etc just like the sigs do, but instead of taking that info and printing it on a png like a sig would, it prints it onto my block, just like the picture i put in the first post which is the one i use for PsB. Assuming you're familiar with php, I could probably PM you the script to better explain what exactly im talking about and asking you for if you'd like.
  9. I was wondering what my chances were on getting a look at the script used to call the info to the sig, what I wanted to do was make a block in php/html on my site to display the bans instead of using a sig. Much like this one I'm using now for another program: I can PM an admin the code i plan to modify if you wanted to check it out first, dont wanna paste it in the open forum considering I didn't write it and don't wanna get into any problems for distributing it. Anyway, thanks in advance.
  10. Hub Game: ET Clantag: fs. Edit: After i posted this i read the thing about the team accounts, guess i've been absent for too long and missed some changes, sorry bout that, applying for one now.
  11. Hub Game: ET Clantag: fs. Edit: After i posted this i read the thing about the team accounts, guess i've been absent for too long and missed some changes, sorry bout that, applying for one now.
  12. i had to completely comment out the et.exe checks, alot of my members and a few server regulars were gettin constant kicks from it. I noticed that most of the ones getting kicked were using etstarterpro or the patch selector...that MAY have something to do with it, but it could be just coincidence.
  13. not only that, i've never heard of a hack being started by a !cmd, i mean how obvious would that be if you had to !exec overlord every time you went on a server. Quite a few people that have released public configs have a bad habbit of naming them theirname.cfg, so chances are he picked up that config somewhere and was trying to execute it. I'd definately unban the guy.
  14. Hub Game: FEAR Clantag: fs.
  15. oops...forgot to upload the .use...should be ok now
  16. Hub Game: ET Clantag: fs.
  17. Hub Game: ET Clantag: fs.
  18. Hub Game: FEAR Clantag: fs.
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