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Everything posted by DarkKnight

  1. Server Streaming keeps deactivating on my Call of Duty World at War server. It seems to be deactivating within 75 minutes. Server IP Account ID: 2655 Game Type: Call of Duty World at War The pbsv.cfg file contains the following in it. ; ------------------------------ ; PB Tasks (pb_sv_task [start delay (seconds)] [repeat (seconds)] [command]) ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver // Keep-Alive for PBBans Hub pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update // Check for PB updates daily pb_sv_task 0 300 pb_sv_guidrelax 0 // Reset GUID relax ; ------------------------------ ; PB UCON Settings / Lists ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_uconignoreempty pb_sv_usessionlimit 8 pb_sv_ucontimeout 90 pb_sv_uconempty pb_sv_uconadd 1 "pbbanshub" "pbbanshub" Suggestions or help on this would be appreciated.
  2. Not sure what it was but as soon as I posted this. Instantly I had access back.
  3. I have an active streaming server. Have had it for some time. Today when I log in here I no longer have admin access. Could I know why or who I need to contact about this. Account ID 2655
  4. I think the player you mentioned may have a slight problem. COD4: 64c5c0979e3b66f8379c875478779ca8 Global: This GUID is globally banned by EvenBalance Date: Data generated on April 19, 2008 at 10:12 am
  5. I am having trouble. My server still does not appear to be streaming when I check on pbbans. Hub Server Call of Duty 4 (PBBans Hub) Knights At War I beleive it is set up properly. Here is a screen shot of the pb_sv_uconlist
  6. Streaming Hub Game COD2 Tag KW- IP
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