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Everything posted by [DRS]PISSEDoFF

  1. How can I help you guys advertise to get more BFV servers streaming? I will help in any way I can just tell me how you guys want it done. I am working on 2 servers for the -eFe- clan now. I will be adding a block to our site www.drsclan.net for PBBans.com to link from... How many we got total streaming?
  2. Stymie the man and got'em goin....... We smooth as a baby's but now..... Got apprx 11 more hackers since last stream.........(unoffically)
  3. Dead Rabbits Society checking into see our servers are being streamed by PBBans.com......... I have placed all files needed in the approaite place and just need to know what else to do if anything..... If anyone who have access to streaming, future new pb files, please add me to your messenger if you use one. [email protected] I do not have any other means of instant contact with an admin of PBBans and I dont use IRC :( [DRS]Clan Server [DRS]Clan Server #2
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