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Everything posted by comic

  1. thanks :rockon:
  2. so can we stream the beta?? i am quessing no as it isn't in the server list?
  3. ahhh never mind..i dl'd the ones for Cod UO hehe silly me :rolleyes:
  4. ok i did the update for MBI in this link...http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=34967...i downloaded both and then did the upload...now my problem..PB kicked me for this ...cvar cm-playerCurveClip.....what is happening??? thanks
  5. ok my bad. i used a differant rcon tool and it says streaming now, thanks for your patience :rolleyes:
  6. thanks but i have done all that. twice actually. im missing something somewhere.
  7. ok Hi let me add to this topic. i think i have done all it tells us to do. i mean i know i have done all but still says " not streaming vis hub " i have sent the commands vis rcon as listed but still no stream. help please thanks
  8. hi guys is there a review section for the ss submitted so that other admins can view and or vote on them????
  9. ok thanks!!! anything else i need to do so it works right????
  10. ok what did i do wrong?
  11. rep:PBBans Hub method. game: cod uo clan tag: =AC=
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