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Everything posted by gobbo

  1. Hey igloo straight to the point as usual :D .
  2. If your md5 and cvar checks are loaded from pbsv then : do pb_sv_load pbsv.cfg via rcon after the match has started .. cb configs clear cvar checks and md5s after every round . If you adjust the cb config it would lack the certified bit . the above will reload the checks . Maybe if you do that your guys wont kick my team ( team fruity ) after accusing one of our guys of wall hacking when he got a lotto kill and we then won the map ;) . i remember hanging around to argue the rudeness of it until getting kicked myself :o Hope this works for you . :) Gobbo ( aka |fruity|Gr4pe )
  3. The player in the demo shoots through the very edge of the cannon . Lots of bugs like that in et maps especially custom ones . Just try to re create it to find the answer . i only see this player make one kill ? then an error message comes up .
  4. Looks like a bug imo .
  5. pbsvc is the server side file i think . You need to update via punkbusters pbsetup : http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=dl-bf2.php or use the pbsec off the same page . pbsetup is the easiest way i have found client side for any pb game updates .
  6. Ran pbsetup and haven't encountered any problems . Dont think there is any need to delete pb folder contents before it though . Guess its a bit tricky if you run vista and or norton blockitall wall :o Only thing i noticed with the new PB services is game lags/fps drops quite often . Although cant confirm if PB is the culprit or my PC is going to the great electronic heaven soon ... Quite a few places on googling claim it is caused by PB update but who knows !? = Prolly Foxdie if anyone :P
  7. All patches can be done via ftp then restart your server . Usually copy and paste the run files into the first folder eg you see etmain and your mod folders then below the etded and x86 files that you will replace. cant remember which files your swapping with patch 1.01 but it should be self evident :)
  8. A common theme from the posts i read this morning was Norton internet security blocking games . Then you respond you are on norton :P . would seem coincidental you are on norton , turn auto rules off ..eg make changes to norton and about the same time you encounter/notice problems . There are plenty of free trials for DECENT security software available . As i understand it a condom over your Lan cable is as effective as norton :P :P and will free up 40% of your system resources :o On topic though If i were encountering such problems i would fully re boot my router via control panel then double check my internet setup in winblows. if that didn't solve it i would download and try new security software switching off the old .
  9. I haven't encountered this one ,but google my all seeing interweb buddy reports lots of people putting this down to either router going nuts or Norton internet security blocking net .? http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/viewtop...fc111b506de98dd Have you checked also you haven't picked up some malware/spyware or virus ? few other people report this as a problem Also. If it isn't any of these sry bud but i don't know .
  10. pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps out 0.000001 40 line from the mcl and our pbcvar.cfg . Not sure where you picked up IN 44 . Some one local server side has set this no ? :concur: with fozzer best to cap fps @ 40 - 125 max .
  11. gobbo

    Cvar ban

    If this player is in the system with a cheat cvar catch then he is banned automatically from my server midnight spikage . If he wishes to appeal his ban then he should hit the appeal this ban button under his ban details . If your favorite server isn't streaming to pbbans maybe you should encourage that servers admins to come here and sign up. Or go find yourself a better protected server to call home :) If the player is stating he downloaded a config with this in it then he should be able to provide a link which would get the ban overturned prolly .If not he is a cheater and do you really want to play with cheaters ? .
  12. Sounds an interesting clash with ET Quake Wars :P
  13. your friend can appeal his ban and send in the file in question . This will confirm if it is a mistake or not . Usually an appeal this ban button is on the ban itself .
  14. If i read you correctly to get a cheater banned via pbbans you would need a demo or a screenshot backed up with your servers log data . or if you have set cvar and md5 checks hope that they catch your cheater . there are tutorials how to's and discussions in the private areas of the forums on these topics .
  15. Hi best place to start for learning commands is Punkbuster themselves . for ET i would use : http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/et-ad/index.htm All commands plus descriptions of commands . specifically for screenshots : http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/et...htm#screenshots to take a screen shot you need to have rcon access and do : PB_SV_GETSS and pb slot number . Anyhow have a read and then experiment is best advice :)
  16. LOL Benway your system is l33ter 1oh11oh than mine :P . Fuzzie liquid and delicate electronics something fundamentally wrong in that :o I shared some beer with a pc once by the way it fizzed and didn't want to turn on again i don't think the pc liked real ale . I wonder how many water coolers end up leaking .?? :)
  17. ah ha ... I was thinking to myself no wonder this game hasn't got many players on ta servers when you have to get 10 - 40 mb sound files @ 5kbs . Then i think why would an admin put a sound pack on if players have to wait so long . and now i think gobbo turn off auto downlaod and see if ya can get on :P cheers mrx .
  18. many thanks ace i will input those :)
  19. Well in collection of games purchased and put on one side i find sof2 gold edition . which i install last week and look in the sof2 section for streaming servers .I figure i wanna play on a streaming server for best protection. I find a few but ya all not in Europe, and i have to do some work to find em :blink: Anyhow is there a list somewhere ? or if your a Europe / uk admin lead me to your server . :P Also whats the story with 5 kb/s downloads in sof2 ? Is it me or don't you get redirects for this game ? tried one streaming server and was needing 40 mb ish sound file ! @ 5 kbs ?
  20. processor : amd althlon 64bit 3500+ venice core (single core ) mobo : abit kn8 ultra socket 939 . memory : 1 gb giel dual ddr mode with coool blue heat spreader hard drive ; 300 gb sata 2 . video card : sparkle x800gto silent heat pipe 256mb .( except they lied it still has a fan :o ) TFT : 19 inch samsung syncmaster 913n 8ms response . sound : on board headphones : unknown umpalumpa sound ( very clear and good ) keyboard : saitek eclipse 2 ( 3 lighting modes :P ) mouse : logi mx518 or a4tech x7 mouse pad : desk or icemat white 2nd edition. Os : Winblows xp or linux all flavours when im feeling tough . case : antec quite and dignified . 3dmark 2001 se : 22331 at stock settings that i play ET with . anyone wants to join the 2001 or 2003 3d benchmark score spam : http://www.midnight-club.co.uk/MCforums/ph...topic.php?t=438 or on here maybe :) Phear my L337 system :o . Think i best get that new cpu and 1950 xt card and stop being a cheapskate.! LOL
  21. Ah i think i get your point .. We had similar bugs in Et . Water tower on railgun i remember best till someone found a fix :)
  22. http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/bf...ex.htm#commands all the commands you need from punkbuster themselves . you need : PB_SV_BanGuid [guid] [player_name] [iP_Address] [reason] Adds a guid directly to PB's permanent ban list; if the player_name or IP_Address are not known, we recommend using "???" Have you put your screenies on for discussion in screen review area ? to see if fellow bf2 admins think its a cheat ? dont play it so cant help you on that bit .
  23. Well i have found the only way is to look in each log around the date the demo was taken . bit hard for me as my dates are out by a few days but it does work :) . i look for the latest last modified one usually . probably same on windblows no ? then just use wordpad and the find function . so if there is a quicker way that would be ace .... :)
  24. How do you mean cause you trouble ? I have seen the script in use v funny for a few mins . Not much use after that really . Might get you kicked for too low fps depending on how the server is set up . or it might not work, again depending on how server is set up . Dont see or think of any other problems though . After all most scripts like this one just play around with various standard in game cvars.
  25. I think maybe you are referring to : seta r_allowExtensions "1" This is the default setting "1" Its a rendering cvar hence the r_ As for what it does try google :) All i need to know is its default @ 1 .
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