Hi guys
I've just purchased a copy of RTCW from Ebay, it was a private seller and not a retailer. I previosly owned the game back when it was released and fancied having another stab at it. It was brought mainly for the singleplayer game but I would like to play online from time to time. I installed the game today, set everything up and thought I'd have a quick go online. Unforunately, I found out I have brought a copy with a banned GUID/CD Key, One server did work but four others didn't, I was kicked for a prior ban/kick. I looked up the GUID on your list and it's there, several times over!
I hade this very same problem when I purchased a copy (new & sealed!!!) from an Ebay retailer a few weeks ago, luckily I have since found another copy (from Gamestation) with a clean GUID/CD Key. I don't really want to purchase another copy of RTCW as obviously I'll be paying twice and I'll be taking the risk of it happening again. On your Ban List I see somone had appealed the ban on the 12th March of this year, I guess this was not succesful.
Is there anything that can be done for this ban to be removed so I can play on PB servers?