Well Maydax, I mean no harm here, but I was not aware of these problems so the sarcasim in my opinion is unnecessary. Wich brings me to a point. I'm not asking for PB admin or anything like that. All I want is to have the server stream to pbbans to "catch" cheaters.. Like I said, I have never cheated and the "ban" that I have on me was stated as not verifiable. I also asked how I can fix the problems that we have here and have ben met with nothing but resistance. That makes no sense to me. If "we" all want to get rid of cheaters, then make it difficult to do that? Ex cheaters,?, Well, again I asked how I can get this info and again, met with resistance and sarcasm.. Not letting a person stream there servers because of an "ex" hack/cheater seems like an oxymoron to me. I apologize if I've offended someone but I'm just trying to find out how having high standards justifies keeping a server from being hack free.. Any one of you can feel free to enter our servers and watch, observe, run demo's. Any one of the clan members caught hacking is gone, no if's ands or but's.. I'm also sure that a few of the servers that are streaming have people associated whit bans, yes, I know but yet they still stream. That's all I can say.. Again I apologize if I've offended someone.