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About WarGhost

  • Birthday 03/08/1976

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    Global Gamers
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  1. Facebook console? cool!
  2. I will submit screenshots to both sites, but since I like having a some type of watchlist, I will use them a lot more so I can use those screenshots as a reference.
  3. It seems to be working great on punksbusted. If you are unsure about a screenshot, then the vote would be unsure and it would then be transferred to the watchlist for use later if that player cheats again. Then those shots on the watchlist would be added to their new ban.
  4. Is it possible for PBBans to integrate a "Watchlist" forum area so we can make sure that if a certain player gets on this list we can have the evidence against them to add to their profile if they make a mistake of having a cheat and getting caught later on down the road?
  5. Well, Since my server came online and is streaming to both sites, I have yet to find a cheat on any of my servers. I guess my servers are cheat free for once. I am liking this. lol So, if any of you want to join my cheat free servers, please feel free to do so. :D Good job PBBans and Punksbusted for keeping my servers cheat free. Global-Gamers
  6. Cool. I'll update my banlist.
  7. Well now I am streaming both my servers on both sites. Look out cheaters! I am gonna get you! lol
  8. Excellent. The more we secure our servers, the more players will join our servers and feel protected from cheats and the cheats will have to go elsewhere.
  9. That is what I intend to do also. lol
  10. If anyone wants to know. www.punksbusted.com
  11. Darn you. I thought he was real all along! Thanks a lot for ruining my christmas too. :P
  12. I wish these hack sites would just shut down permanately and finally play fair for once.
  13. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071211/ap_on_...ord_of_the_year wOOt is now in the dictionary. lol
  14. So I reported each and every one I found to [email protected] and asked if they can somehow shut these sites down and Glenn from PB wrote me back: I am impressed by the quick email and replies that I get from evenbalance. I just wanted to share this with all of you.
  15. I just did a price check for this site and this is what is came up with: Site Value Report The estimated value of http://www.pbbans.com is: $159,300 This value is calculated based on several factors shown above, including: Links, Traffic (Alexa), age of the domain, site category, domain keyword popularity, and overall occurrences of the domain name on the web. And you beat out Punkbuster: Site Value Report The estimated value of http://www.punkbuster.com is: $21,060 This value is calculated based on several factors shown above, including: Links, Traffic (Alexa), age of the domain, site category, domain keyword popularity, and overall occurrences of the domain name on the web. And evenbalance lol: Site Value Report The estimated value of http://www.evenbalance.com is: $129,540 This value is calculated based on several factors shown above, including: Links, Traffic (Alexa), age of the domain, site category, domain keyword popularity, and overall occurrences of the domain name on the web.
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