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    <Insomnia Saints>
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  1. So that just proves you took personal interest in my clan becuz of 1punch... The fact is we don't have hackers in our clan and its hard for us to keep cheaters out if we can't add them to global banlist. If those players are hacking...why would I want to stream wouldn't I want them to continue "so called hacking"? BTW maydax that thing you posted can be altered unless I can se something that is locked and unchangeable. How can I as a rational person take that as what he actually said? what I heard from ppl you wanted lazyeye in DeZ and Acidburn didn't want any part of it...correct me if I'm wrong? Have fun I'm done with this BS
  2. So basically all of our guids are clean only linked to other hacks...So I'm guessing the real issue is maydax's grudge against 1punch. I know damn well Venom's guid is clean cuz that was my old guid and the only other ppl to use it were me and my lil bro and now Venom. That guid has never had a hack on it. Venom who has just reinstalled the game and barely has config back to his liking to find out the guid is not clean? How does that work? Simply put Maydax...drop your BS you have going on with 1Punch. Past is the past future is the future. Move on. This is getting ridicolous!!!! P.S. Why is are clan being singled out anyway, There is alot of clans out there that have X hackers in there clan...yet there still able to stream. Maester you've rented servers to us in the past and you know damn well I've never had hackers in my clan.
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