Your timing for those messages if off. Sometimes this can cause that problem too.
If your messages start 10 seconds after the server starts, and you have 20 seconds between each message, with 4 messages.
Then your timing would look like this
pb_sv_task 10 80 say "^2LIVE Server STATS on"
pb_sv_task 30 80 say "^2~DoW~ is now RECRUITING ages 16+ apply @"
pb_sv_task 50 80 say "^2Like our server? Please consider donating to help us keep it going"
pb_sv_task 70 80 say "^3Please Add our Servers to your Favorites!!!
This will loop your messages every 20 seconds without overlapping or repeating. But you might want to spread them out a little. 20 seconds between messages isn't long. People may get tired of the spam.
Below is a sample to run your 4 messages 30 seconds after the server starts and one every 90 seconds after that.
pb_sv_task 30 330 say "^2LIVE Server STATS on"
pb_sv_task 120 330 say "^2~DoW~ is now RECRUITING ages 16+ apply @"
pb_sv_task 210 330 say "^2Like our server? Please consider donating to help us keep it going"
pb_sv_task 300 330 say "^3Please Add our Servers to your Favorites!!!