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Everything posted by DS-Dennis

  1. Which you can define often in your server configuration file ;) Above is for the game Call of Duty You can then use an utility to filter out system message to read only chats on that file. An console log is always available which may be reset after an server restart. Game logs can be easily over 20+ MB. I have had server logs from well over 150 MB (Battlefield 2142 servers) so you may want to rotate logs (using an cronjob on the server perhaps).
  2. :lol: It's pretty clear that Kirk McNesby got a bit tired of the whole situation. I would have hoped he could clarify this a bit more in detail: Either way, it's an closed case. Lets see what other games will be developed and if they contract evenbalance for those games in the next future again.
  3. I doubt that the decision will be made by just one person who is not aware of how PB works. I also doubt it would be only one person who thought about and finaly contracted with Even Balance, Inc. to integrate punkbuster™ Anti-Cheat software into the game.I would think that it goes through several steps to finalize and workout, as well their last action. Either way, it does not look like they are going to revert their "mistake", that might be too expensive.
  4. Thank you very much :D
  5. Ow, is that possible? :huh: I was wondering about such because I would like to have all servers to stream by default. I did not actively searched but will do now. You just gave me a key to search after "team account" :smooth: Thank you.
  6. Topic Title: Hub Game: ET Clantag: DS-GameSolutions
  7. It does not show Log Forwarding .... I have now updated my profile a bit and selected previous "No" at the question to forward my log to pbbans, perhaps that was the reason it's not enabled? As I am new here but have more servers streaming to punksbusted I have to setup my other servers as well. This first server was to "test" the working of pbbans :)
  8. Topic Title: Hub Game: SOF2 Clantag: [HU]
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