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EDom - Rude Dude

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About EDom - Rude Dude

  • Birthday 10/10/1985

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    The Netherlands

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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. It's caused by an unofficial no-gunsway mod that some leagues use. I'm not aware of a fix.
  2. We do not have a zero-tolerance policy in Euro Domination. We distinguish between one-time offenders and serial offenders. Serial offerenders are permanently banned from all games. One-time offenders are permanently banned from the game they got caught on, and temporarily from all other games in the period directly after the ban. The reasoning is as follows. There are (a lot of) kids (and grown ups) who actually learn from their mistake. Getting banned for life from one game has a big impact on these people. They are named and shamed in public. Compare it to crimes in the real world: you don't put someone in prison for life for shoplifting. Instead, you punish them accordingly. Those that haven't learnt from their mistakes will be caught again without a doubt. Serial hackers are treated with zero tolerance by us. But think about it, imagine I hacked and got caught once 10 years ago. I would still be banned under zero-tolerance policy. These kinds of laws are only applied in countries such as Iran :)
  3. No, but each time you reload the PB config without pb_sv_taskempty, it will add duplicate tasks. So those messages will appear twice.
  4. Same problem on all servers from different clans in our league, not a single exception. It changes to 7 each time a map loads. Don't ask me why...
  5. That server has the Euro Domination flag enabled. We have a private ban list ran through PBBans. Where PBBans (only) kick for banned GUIDs, we also ban clean GUIDs directly associated with banned GUIDs (i.e. when a player obtains a new GUID). These "clean" GUIDs will be kicked from all servers with E-Dom flag enabled. In short, you were banned before or you got the GUID from a banned person. The ban is here: http://www.eurodomination.net/forum/viewto...?f=49&t=794
  6. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=support-cod2.php When you remove the bans, could you please send the pb_sv_unbanGuid command to all hub streaming servers? Saves server admins to unban locally as well.
  7. Ignore the post above, this server will be added to the [E-Dom] league account.
  8. You best PM this kind of information to a PBBans admin, I guess... thanks for your help anyway.
  9. This happens all the time in CoD2. Only one or multiple reconnects fix it.
  10. Hey, I recognize this :)
  11. If your servers are streaming then the players that are trying to connect are most likely on the MBI/Master Ban Index (MBI). That's the exact message people get that have been banned. I don't think you want them on your server...
  12. The GUID you posted is most likely a LAN guid. /pb_myguid is not very reliable. You have to wait a few seconds before you enter it and sometimes it will still return a LAN guid. /pb_plist is a better option although this will only give us your last 8 digits. I think you're on the Master Ban List for the hack :)
  13. Ok thanks. These servers are for my clan but it's ok if they're in this account. About 50 more servers will follow. I've been talking to Foxdie about it :)
  14. ALL: Hub streaming Call of Duty 2 Clan fcuk:
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