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Everything posted by RaverBaby

  1. I used a new email for the beta an tried all my old email accounts, can't even remember my bf2 name its been tht long since i played it.
  2. Cheers for the reply, i know its pbbans but just thought our accounts on here you might be able to get our guids or something, guess not. I'll try EA support. :blink:
  3. Hi, I used to use this site ages ago or come on and read stuff that was useful for when i used to play BF2 on PC :) I not played it for years but after playing the Beta of BF3 and waiting for that to release I was hoping to get a few games on bf2 but I can't remember my BF2 name or email I used I'm guessing this site would only be able to get my login if I cheated (i've never cheated an dont plan to) just really wanna play some bf2 on my old account but cant remember login :( Any Idea's how i could get my account login?
  4. How do i put this back to default cause i tried doin this and now it seems worse im gettin lagg spikes every min or so..
  5. Yea i didnt think wireless would be such a problem that it has been for gamin thats why im goin back to broadband soon.I never really had problems tho with most games like BF2,BF2142,CSS,Swat4 with my wireless just cod4 kicks me when it loads a new map it comes up with server disconnected 90% of the time. And im only usin my laptop until i get a new monitor for my pc cause it died on me. :( My Pc specs are kinda sucky but they get the job done for me ---------------------------- Nvidia 6800 GT Amd Athlon 3200+ 2 GB DDRam
  6. I have a fairly decent connection 16mb wireless with a NETGEAR router.. going back to broadband soon tho when my contract finishes this year cause cant game with wireless at all. :) I posted my specs above when i made the topic too. My laptop specs are --------------------------------- Acer Aspire 3023WLMI AMD Sempron 3000+ Raedon x700 pci express 1gb DDR Ram
  7. Done that and i used the pbsvc.exe an there both runnin and working fine but still get the server disonnected on new map load half the time and have to keep re-connect. Anyway thanks for the help guys :)
  8. Thats that same message server disconnected.. And where do you type in console reconnect? ingame an it stops kicking you on map load?
  9. Sorry if this the wrong section but seemed right place to me :) Ok so i been playin cod4 for bout 1 week on my laptop till i buy a new monitor and i,ve updated too 1.4 patch updated pb and my gfx drivers too the latest but now i get kicked on most servers when changin maps an have to keep connectin. Is there away to stop this pls any help would be great cause its really annoyin me now having to re-connect everytime. My laptop specs are --------------------------------- AMD Sempron 3000+ Raedon x700 pci express 1gb DDR Ram
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