Today, on one of our servers (Bunker1), one of our admins caught a cheater using an advanced aimbot/namescript. The aimbot was well, an aimbot.
The name script, however, was very advanced. It would change the players name to exactly match another players name, colors and all, except for one letter. For instance:
|>B<|Suck@fool was |>B<|Svck@fool,
Mantex was Mentex, etc...
It was very hard to catch, as normally when you see a players name you won't notice one letter which is miss-spelled. Even if you do notice it, you normally assume that they made a mistake changing something, or if its a regular player you were wrong about their name.
I am wondering, who should I pm the GUID of this player to? One of our admins manually went through out server log (680 MBs) and, and found the guy and gave him a server ban. However, we don't think that this will be nearly enough, and that PB should be aware of it to take steps to catch and stop this type of cheat.
Also, now that I'm here and on the subject... A couple weeks ago, we noticed what we thought was an attempt to hack into our severs. We would see one player connect, and then immediatly afterwords we would start seeing random names (all white) such as: Ah37dk1, or sh7jjf8 connect en masse. When we would kick one of these names, another would immediatly connect. We figured that if you kick the first player who connect, every one of the random names would get disconnected as well. For exmple:
ETPlayer connects.
Immediatly after he is fully connected, random names start connecting rapidly. If you kick one of the random names, another just connects. When you kick ETPlayer, every random name is disconnected. Its like the original connecter (in this case ETPlayer) is generating bots or something, and when he is booted all of the bots are as well.
Just one more heads up to other server admins.