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Everything posted by Relentless

  1. Every Bunker Server is streaming. The server this took place on, Bunker1, is streaming via Rep and Hub. I think we have a couple hundred hub catches by now (all servers combined), but am not positive. We have the GUID and the IP as well, as found in server logs. Edit: I just tried, and then remembered. I cannot pm an admin/mod here -_- Edit: Should I just post the GUID/IP here, and then you copy them and edit them out?
  2. Today, on one of our servers (Bunker1), one of our admins caught a cheater using an advanced aimbot/namescript. The aimbot was well, an aimbot. The name script, however, was very advanced. It would change the players name to exactly match another players name, colors and all, except for one letter. For instance: |>B<|Suck@fool was |>B<|Svck@fool, Mantex was Mentex, etc... It was very hard to catch, as normally when you see a players name you won't notice one letter which is miss-spelled. Even if you do notice it, you normally assume that they made a mistake changing something, or if its a regular player you were wrong about their name. I am wondering, who should I pm the GUID of this player to? One of our admins manually went through out server log (680 MBs) and, and found the guy and gave him a server ban. However, we don't think that this will be nearly enough, and that PB should be aware of it to take steps to catch and stop this type of cheat. Also, now that I'm here and on the subject... A couple weeks ago, we noticed what we thought was an attempt to hack into our severs. We would see one player connect, and then immediatly afterwords we would start seeing random names (all white) such as: Ah37dk1, or sh7jjf8 connect en masse. When we would kick one of these names, another would immediatly connect. We figured that if you kick the first player who connect, every one of the random names would get disconnected as well. For exmple: ETPlayer connects. Immediatly after he is fully connected, random names start connecting rapidly. If you kick one of the random names, another just connects. When you kick ETPlayer, every random name is disconnected. Its like the original connecter (in this case ETPlayer) is generating bots or something, and when he is booted all of the bots are as well. Just one more heads up to other server admins.
  3. Well, this is 1 part question and 1 part suggestion. Anyway, I am wondering if you have a clear explanation of what PBBans does/is responsible for as well as what Even Balance does. The reason I'm wondering is because in a recent incident, we first went through PBBans, then mistakenly told it was Even Balance, and now back to PBBans. Just a suggestion, but it would be awesome if a page was put detailing what type of ban PBBans was responsible for, as well as listing what bans Even Balance is responsible for. Just a way to possibly lower any confusion between the two entities.
  4. It's not that hard to get the banner to say what map is next. The Bunker servers all list the next three maps in their banner, and many other servers do the same. For the configs, if your using the updated version that allows you to write your own admin commands, code either a !normal or a !nopanzerwar and !nosniperwar to be the counter act of the !panzerwar and !sniperwar. That way anyone with that level of admin can turn those settings on and off at command, without having to go through rcon. - |DwG| Erls
  5. Ok, here goes. I'm the owner/operator of |DwG|, a gaming community. Recently, I kicked a member because I had been receiving multiple reports of his using the "EDITED" hack.. In fact, he had actually admitted to using it at one point. Now, I do not play BF2, however I still feel that, as a server owner, it is my duty to report this. This is the website he gave a fellow member, saying that he can go their for hacks. EDITED: Please do not post links to cheat sites on the forums. If you want to pass along a cheat, contact one of the staff members directly. I will not include any names here, as that might lead to slandering. Any PB Admin interested in receiving all the information I possess, can pm me. I do not wish for this to turn into a damn hacker flame thread, which is why I am not naming any names.
  6. One quick question to add on. If you are getting kicked by pb for inadequite OS privlages, what can you do to fix it? Also, my server is a 40+4 ET Pub server.
  7. ^^^ Why I am asking. I played a lot on the >B< Servers, and never had an issue. But didn't know if a lot of people had issues with it, as well as teh positives and negatives of forcing a cvar. Thanks for the info.
  8. Ok, I have some questions regarding Cvar setting that a server streaming pb will accept. As I am currently getting ready to config my server to stream from pbbans, I first need to know about the Cvar issues. In the past, some of my Community members had Cvar issues. Not bans, but they would be auto kicked by pb after 2 minutes. I am wondering if there is a way to have my server force everyone's Cvar to the same value, or can I set a wide range of available Cvar values so i don't run into members being kicked.
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