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Everything posted by SONAF_F!R3F!SH-CB-

  1. Hi Guys, Both of my servers GAME: AA IP's: and are flagged to forward logs to ACI, AON and CB, but when i go to the respective AC sites, they arent streaming...anymore. I had a problem with PSB where i had AON and ACI and PsB's repository data in my pbsvlog.cfg when i was only suppose to have one, so since I am able to dualstream to ACI and AON and CB through here...i took them out and left PsB in there...and since I did that, Im not streaming anymore...any help would be greatly appreciated... [sONAF]D0RKFI$H-GOA
  2. the logs for my server arent being streamed to either ACI, AON, or CB now, what can i do...?
  3. now im stumped, its not streaming to AON...but i have it set to forward the logs there...
  4. i will have our EU server setup soon and will add it then...thanks again rodeo...
  5. ok, it shows me streaming to the hub, will yall set it up to stream to ACI, that would be great...thanks in advance...
  6. Topic Title: Hub Game: AA Clantag: [sONAF] Please have this stream forwarded to ACI
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