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About mackel
- Birthday 11/16/1981
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gaming, enemy territory
washington dc
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A clan now ex-clan member was caught yesterday by PB and added to PBBans for VIOLATION (MULTIHACK) #70479... He swears up and down he was not cheating....(This is of course what they all say...lol) But I was just wanted some clarification if what he says is even possible... This is the post he made in our forums: Now for the "ban". PBBans.com is not an official punkbuster site. I was never banned by PunkBuster. HoF server "reported" that I was banned but that's about the extent of it. My reputation has not been tarnished since I don't hack and never have. I have already contacted PBBans.com and Evenbalance to have the listing on PBBans removed (by verifying with EvenBalance that I was never banned by Punkbuster). Also I have suggested that HoF servers be removed from streaming to PBBans since this is an abuse of a system that is supposed to catch people who are actually hacking. If you look at the facts, it's quite obvious that Boomer's attempt to dupe everyone and slander my name is pathetic. I've played on HoF server for 2-3 months now and not once have I been kicked or banned by PunkBuster for anything. Then Boomer starts to hate me after I call him out about his lack of knowledge about administrating a server. Finally, when I decide to leave HoF to start a QW clan I log on the server and have 0 admin level, then that night (while not on the server) PBBans.com gets a report that I was "supposively" banned by PunkBuster. This is the link to his ban on this site: http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srch...mp;safeview=yes I would just like to hear some thoughts on whether a disgruntled LEADER could fake a VIOLATION (MULTIHACK) #70479 on someone...? (I have told this kid multiple times that Punkbuster is the one that caught him but as you can see in his post he is fighting it tooth and nail... Also I wanted to point out that if ya look at all his linked GUIDS they are only 8 digits looks as though he is masking them or something.)
hey canu walk me thru it in irc when u get a chance?
hey thanks alot dude. im gonna go try it right now. i hope it works!
hey fozzer i had an idea. one of our servers that we administer was hacked in this very same way. It was the House of SE server on 2.55 anyways we are 99.9 percent sure who did it, and i have an idea. can you only read a cfg file inside the root folder, more importantly, can you access the start line in this manner? We took out the seta rconpassword line in our server.cfg on a test server that we run. we ADDED the set rconpassword line to our start script (start line, script whatever u want to call it) and it worked. we have the 10 man test server to put on new campaigns to test them make sure they work, and to test maps, and for reasons exactly like this. you said you have the program that can hack into a 2.55 server. you say that once you get access you can read the server.cfg file. we have taken out the rcon line in the server.cfg file, and put it in the start path. if i give you the address of the server thru irc, can you go in there and try your magic pretty please with a grenade and a satchel on top? :) i want to see if you can still find the rcon thru it. if not then we can do the same to his server, and problem should be solved i guess. alot of you are gonna say "why dont you upgrade to 2.60b?" believe me ive told them a gazillion times if you update we wont have this problem. he dont want to so i aint gonna change it, u got to deal with it. they pay the bills you know what im sayin? :P if you cannot do this because you dont believe in hacking, or for whatever reason, i understand, no problem. but if you can this would be great cause i am quite curious if this does or doesnt work. i hope it does cause it would solve alot of peoples headaches. have a nice day! mackel p.s. it is 3/4/07 at 01:58 AM Eastern Time (GMT -5). im signed into IRC, and if you can do this can you please PM me in there? if i dont respond dont worry ill be there asap. i can send you all the pertinent test server info beforehand and see if this does/or does not work. p.p.s. im putting this in here so we can keep this as an open discussion, maybe it does or doesnt work i dunno. if it doesnt, then people will know. if it does work, then goddammit good i hope it stops these idiots from ruining a good thing. (not that they havent already) im tired of it as well as alot of other people.
is it true that this brute force hack will only work if the server config file is named server.cfg? my point is will it only work to search for server.cfg, or if for example the servers cfg file is named 'mackdieselservercfg.cfg' for instance, they couldnt access it unless they knew that name beforehand? we have our server named to something other than server.cfg, and i read somewhere where the hacker would have to know the name of that file. true or false? if so i have to change the cfg filenames for a bunch of other peoples servers we run, hehe have a nice day! mackel
disregard the above post, i found it under the pbbans account manager, if you go to master ban index 4 you can do it that way. i guess i got to stop smokin weed and i can see these things hehehe sorry for wasting everyones time! have a nice day! mackel
Hello im mackel from House of Frag server (RTCW:ET) quick question, im not sure if this has been asked already or what, but im throwing it out there... is there any way to search the master ban index by player IP address? sure you can search for guid #'s or playername (gamertag) but they change so damn much its pointless. just wondering if this is/or isnt possible. this would be helpful, cause id like to be able to search an ip and see if someone has a history of cheating. kinda like a background check when applying for a job or something. i dont like cheaters whatsoever and if i see one thats on the Master Ban Index (MBI) for any reason and he finds his way to our server ill ban him instantly. i dont care for the excuse or reason, they arent playing here, simple as that. also i realize that people change ip's/mask them/get a new isp whatever, and by the chance that a non cheater gets a former cheaters ip, a slim chance of this happening (maybe 1 in a billion i dunno) but tough luck i guess. is there any sort of way this info is already out there? any type of big list i can search by player ip? thanks for any responses. have a nice day! mackel
aah thanks rodeo bob i did not know that. now i know and i wont have to post here anymore muhahaha hehe have a nice day! mackel
hub name: HoF Clanserver clantag *HoF* house of frag admin: mackel address: game: enemy territory
- game: et 2.55 clantag: *HoF* House of frag http://www.house-of-frag.com mackel
hub ET house of frag clan server my name is mackel gamertag is *HoF* Mackel this is our scrim server, we have one more server on the way shortly. hopefully this was done correctly i think it was. clan and server website is http://www.house-of-frag.com and our forums are http://www.house-of-frag.com/forums i would like to add HoF Boomer to the list of admins, hence we are the two gameserver admins hehe have a nice day! i hope this is everything, if not let me know if youu need more info!!!!! mackel irc: irc.house-of-frag.com join channel: #house-of-frag my nick on irc is: mackeycakes
is this a hack or no? i caught it earlier today and i have no idea whats goin on. if it is and an admin here sees it and would like the info such as server ip, player ip, my ip, etc whatever you need to know i got all that. but again it may not be anything at all. sorry if im not doin this in the right place. we run a 42 man server thats populated all the time, and i just figured out you could do this screenshot thingy i think its a good idea. gj to whoever thought up this one. sorry im new to this but i hope someone can help out!!! have a nice day! mackel edit--- i took the link down because in another post it says not to post names of cheaters. can i send the pb screenshot to someone to look at maybe? again sorry for the rules