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Everything posted by ShortOnSkillz

  1. I know that some people from PB check the forums here, I have heard if you compile a AHK script that is comes up with a gamehook, and no I'm not some dim whit that makes stupid glitching macros, I'm just left handed and needed a better way of remapping a key board. I'm going to a lan tourny and need to compile my script to take it easier since I'm using someone else comp. and they told me if PB approved it was fine. Thanks for your help, Short
  2. Yes, I did try this........ The first time before this happened I had it installed on D: then when I reinstalled I tried C: (Default)
  3. 1 week and counting they replied w/ The logs don't show why you where kicked, well neither does the message box..... I think PB has no clue and are going to avoid me about it.. And I'm the one who is @ a lose cause I can't very well call them up.
  4. no, so I am confused and they had me submit the log on evenbalance support ticket, but have yet to answer me again. :angry:
  5. I tried this, it seem to fix back my GUID to what it use to be(Checked against the clan server logs I still have access to it :) ) But I still get the kick & message.
  6. Idid but still same msg, I have entered a suppot ticket, but I have already been banned/kicked from my clan, they gave 24 hours to get it fixed, they said if I couldn't then it must be cause I was cheating.... Kinda upseting to lose your rep on a game you spent $50 on just to find out its got tons of glitches and flaws and then they concentrate on putting a addon pack out that cost more :angry: :angry: :angry: But if could be fixed I guess I will start with a new soldier and find another clan. Thanks, also my ticket # is EB1251000120884
  7. here is the msg after anysever I enter.
  8. I just get an empty box, when I join a server. Any ideals? I played fine this morning now can't!!
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